Chapter 7 || Jason

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Jason had never loved PE class as much as he loved flying.

The choice was obvious when you had a PE coach who ate boxes of donuts but told everyone to run at the speed of a car every morning.


Jason ran around the track, Percy by his side.

"You know, that coach really needs to start chilling out," he commented. "It's our golden year! Junior year!"

"Nobody cares about PE," Percy scoffed. "I mean, all the jocks do, but it's just so they can get some scholarship for school."

"How are your grades?" Jason asked. "You know Athena passed that rule where you have to have above a B+ to qualify as a teenage spy if you go to school."

"That's just us. I swear she's just trying to murder me," Percy joked.

"I can't blame her. Her son in-law is a spawn of Poseidon," Jason laughed.

"A hot son of Poseidon," Percy tried to flip his hair back.


Percy chuckled and they both took off.

"Race ya!" Jason called. Percy flashed in a cheeky grin in response and Jason almost got blasted back by the speed of his cousin's sprinting. "Oh, no, he's not."

Jason controlled the winds, blowing Percy back.

"Hey!" Percy yelled as Jason zoomed ahead.

What Jason wasn't expecting was a harsh stream of water to hit him in the face from the broken water fountain. While Jason was disoriented, Percy threw himself down on the floor, claiming his victory.

"You cheated!" Jason crossed his arms.

"You cheated first!" Percy said smugly, taking a sip of water from his water bottle.

They spotted the girls' PE class walking towards their side of the field.

"Girls' PE," Leo panted, sitting down next to them. "Boys' PE is a lot better if you ask me."

"Yeah," Frank had taken a seat next to them.

Jason blushed as Piper blew him a kiss, winking. Hazel waved to Frank. Annabeth? Annabeth actually didn't do anything. Neither did Percy. Well, it was hard for them to maintain their relationship at school. After all, they had to continue like nothing had ever happened in the first place.

"Yo, Jackson!" Jocks. Jason always hated jocks. Not the stereotypical ones. The ones from his school. Because they were always trying to get Percy to hang out with them and not Jason and his friends. He knew it was a little bit selfish of him, but who would like it if these seriously hot boys were asking your best friend to ditch them?

"What's up, Daniels?"

Larry Daniels. If you asked Jason, Larry didn't deserve the title of a jock. He was the worst player on the football team. But apparently, Larry was funny. If you asked anyone in the school, they'd say Percy was funnier. That Kelp Brain was something else. The captain of the swim team.

Of course, Percy knew he was playing it dangerous when he signed up for that, being a spy and all, but it was the only way to make Annabeth and his friends know that he wasn't the Percy they knew. Well, he failed in doing that.

"GRACE!" A whistle blew sharply next to his face. "STOP DAYDREAMING AND GET TO THE FIELD!"

"Right!" Jason said as he stood up, racing over to the spot where Percy was already gathering for dodgeball.

"Jackson! Grace! You're captains. Pick your teams."

"Leo," Percy called the Latino boy forward, who saluted, making Percy roll his eyes.

"Frank." Jason smirked.

"Roger." Percy motioned for his friend to join his side.

"Daniels," Jason said, just to make Percy annoyed. That didn't work.

"Clark." Percy whistled, catching the boy's attention.

It went on like that. Until most of the jocks were on Percy's side, mainly because Jason didn't want to ask them. They all were rude enough to him. He didn't wanna take them away from their 'bros' and make them even more mad. That would cause havoc. But it also put him at a disadvantage, as he wasn't sure if the guys he had on his team were athletic.

You still have some jocks, Jason... he reminded himself.

"And... play!" Coach blew his whistle as the groups charged forward.

Percy grabbed two balls, blasting them forward and getting two nerds out. Easy peasy. Jason looked around for any weak spots. Spotting a nerd, he threw his ball. But just his luck, Percy bumped it out of the way, a teasing smirk plastered on his face. "You okay there, cuz?"

Leo threw a ball, almost hitting Jason.

"Nice try!" Jason yelled, firing a ball in Percy's direction. "Hit them, Frank!"

Percy ducked as the ball went flying through the air, hitting the wall behind Leo. Two more players were knocked off Jason's team, hanging their heads in defeat.

"HAHA!" Roger cheered as he began to grow cocky. Jason's lips twitched up in a smirk. Roger always had a weak spot. And it was when he got too cocky. When he got too cocky, it was like he bathed in the Styx. At least, until people got him out.

"On three, we both hit Roger," Jason whispered to Frank. "One, two, three!"

Both balls hit Roger, startling him. Suddenly, a ball soared and hit another jock in the side.

"HAHA!" Jason shot a smug smirk at Percy.

Percy didn't really seam to mind, as he literally sent a torpedo of balls flying everywhere, getting at least five members out. Ducking as Jason fired at him, Jason failed to see Leo sneaking up, hitting Frank in the shoulder.

"You're out, Frankie!" Percy sang like a mother. "TOODELOO!"

Jason almost got him, missing him by a hair. Percy froze, looking at Jason. "TEEHEE!"

Wow. Real smooth, Percy... Jason fired again, missing. Clark had gotten out at this point, meaning it was a few jocks versus Jason and some kid he didn't know. Pretty soon, the kid got one of the jocks out, but the jock got him out the moment he fired. Sitting down, it was just Percy and a jock that Jason was facing. As the jock threw his ball, Jason managed to dodge Percy's ball while catching the jock's ball.

Now, it was just Percy and Jason. Suddenly, Percy grasped his side as he fell down by the divider line. Panic flared up in Jason as he raced over. Percy was hugging a ball, whimpering in pain.

"Are you okay, Percy? What hurts?"

"Your failure."

Jason realized his mistake too late when Percy threw the ball, hitting Jason in the stomach. Getting up off the floor, he brushed himself off.

"You just got beat!"

"Unfair," Jason grumbled, but he sighed. Persassy's acting skills...

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