Chapter 30 || Hazel

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Hazel never thought evil goddesses would look pretty, but Apate had looks to rival Aphrodite herself. Apate's hair flowed long and black, shining in the purple lamplight. Her eyes were deep and purple, flecks of black and blue swirling inside of them like the night sky. She was wearing a wreath of dead flowers, leaves adding flares of darkness. A black gown splayed out to the floor from her ridiculously small waist, the top part of the gown sticking to her like it was wet. Her lips were blood red and when they moved, Hazel could see her glinting white teeth.

"How may I help you?"

"Uh... Lady Apate," Thalia cleared the silence. "We are so honored to meet you."

Apate's hair swished along her bare shoulders, swishing on the small glittering pieces that resembled the stars in the night sky.

"Rise," Apate greeted. "Who are you?"

"My name is Thalia and her name is Hazel," Thalia said, motioning to her cousin. "We are demigods."

Apate's eyebrow raised before she motioned for them to come inside. Her palace wasn't spooky like Hazel had imagined it. It was sleek and modern with chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, black, shiny pieces of furniture, and pops of purple and blue wherever her head would swivel. Apate motioned to a couch.

"Please, sit."

Taking a cautious seat, she reminded herself that Apate was the goddess of trickery.

"It's been many years since demigods have traveled over to my palace," she murmured, plucking a grape from the platter in the middle of the table.

She popped it in her mouth and chewed, looking at the silent demigods expectantly.

"Well? Go on. Ask for my night leaves."

Hazel's eyes widened. "You knew what we were going to ask?"

Apate chuckled lightly. "Every demigod asks for my night leaves because they hold power. It's not that common, you know... to seek power. All of them ask me for them so that they can brew the magical tea that holds the powers of darkness. What they don't know is that there aren't many night leave bushes that I possess. Only one that exists in the whole world and has been shunned by the Olympians to contain the power and keep it from spreading."

Thalia was about to jump in, but Apate kept talking.

"Of course, I have no grudge against the Olympians. Even I know that my realm isn't a thing that should be encouraged, even if Hermes is one of my friends who loves trickery. But being the goddess of trickery, I know when people are lying. I've had so many sob stories. Fake ones. All about how they have been shunned by their parents and fed to the monster and how they need the powers to protect themselves. They act as if I'm a fool."

"We don't seek the leaves for power, Lady Apate." Hazel cautiously scooted closer to the goddess. "We seek them to cure our friend... He's been cursed and your leaves are apart of the remedy."

The goddess's eyes narrowed and she sighed, looking them over. "I don't sense any trickery in your words, young demigod. However, Night Leaves can't be given so easily. You can't just come over and expect me to give you such powerful items without some sort of payment."

"Whatever you ask, we aren't going to help Gaia or Kronos!" Thalia interjected.

Apate took one glance at her before laughing. "No, dear demigod! You forget I'm the goddess of trickery. When those two approached me I could sense the lies in their voices. I would never join them."

"So you're on the Olympian side?" Hazel gasped excitedly.

"No." Apate sighed, taking a bite from the grapes again. "I have no side, child. I'm neutral."

Hazel was about to believe her, when she hesitated. Apate was the goddess of trickery. She could be lying. It was very possible. They couldn't trust her right off the bat.

"Lady Apate, it's getting late," Hazel realized from her watch. "Do you mind if we--"

"Stay for a night?" Apate cut her off. "Why not? It's not like I have any company in this palace. Just don't go into trouble or I'll know. No one can best trickery like I can, child. But before you go settle in, please tell me who you are."

"Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus." Apate's eyebrow rose.

"Hazel Levesque, daughter of Hades."

"So you are children of the Big Three. What powerful assets."

The way Apate said it made Hazel's skin crawl uncertainly. Now, she knew Apate wasn't necessarily evil, but she wasn't good either. There was no trust in between their bonds.

"Though... I question why you wish to stay. Not to steal my leaves, hm?" Apate raised an eyebrow. "You know, those leaves have to be earned. And that's pretty hard considering that I am literally isolated."

Thalia and Hazel shifted uncomfortably, which made Apate smirk.

"You can stay on the second floor. Don't get lost and don't try to steal those night leaves. I have guards."

They were in. No way out. But Hazel had an idea of how to get Apate to tell the truth, if she was lying. As they headed into her room, she pressed a button on her watch.

"Please bring in Device 4 from the interrogation facility to Apate's palace in Epirus, Greece. We need the truth at any cost."

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