Chapter 23 || Leo

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Leo paced back and forth on the ship. Waiting around wasn't a very nice hobby for his ADHD, as he was constantly jumping up and down.

"Only an hour until we reach America... Only an hour until we reach America..."

They had ten days. TEN DAYS until his best friend would be a corpse on the battleship. Four of those days had to be used to get his friends back together on the ship to feed Percy the antidote. Leo felt a pang in his chest at the mention of Percy. The poor dude didn't deserve the curse... All he did was fight and try his best!

"Leo!" Jason called. "What's our first stop?"

"Well, the Underworld's entrance is in LA, Medusa's Garden is in New Jersey, and the golden apples are in Northern Africa," Leo recited.

"Well... we'll probably get what we need in America, then we go to Africa on our way back," Piper suggested.

"New Jersey would be our closest destination, so we can go to Medusa's garden first, then we go to Hades," Leo said. "We'll loop around to Africa, then we'll pick up the rest of them."

"Got it," Piper noted. "We should probably get ready for Medusa..."

"Are you guys sure you wanna face her? Even with her creepy contact lenses that turn people into stone?" Jason winced.

"We have to get snake venom from her hair," Leo replied, determined. "It's the only way."

"But the only person who's actually faced Medusa is Percy." Piper bit her lip.

"But the good thing is that you can charmspeak," Jason pointed out.

"That's right!" Leo gasped, realizing it. "Pipes, we've got an advantage!"

"But she's gonna fight back," Piper insisted. "We've gotta--"

"Guys, we're landing!" Leo pushed his control forward and the ship lurched downwards.

The moment their ship crashed to the floor, Leo got up from under the table. "Oh, things couldn't be worse, when your parents run the universe..." he hummed, grabbing his stuff.

He remembered all the songs Percy wrote about what his life was like. Of course, Leo was the only person who knew. After catching Percy in his room by a keyboard with lyrics written down in messy blue ink, it was clear that the spy had some hidden hobbies Leo could make good money off of. Monthly payment of five dollars was enough for Leo to be happy enough to not spill the secret.

"I never meant to hurt anyone..." Leo sang, remembering Percy's other song.

"Leo, where did all those songs come from?" Jason frowned, rubbing his head and trying to swallow so his ears would pop.

"Uh... nowhere. I just made up random tunes," Leo lied.

"You should try songwriting." Jason patted his back, stumbling out of the ship.

Piper followed, giving Leo a glare.

"Sorry! I got distracted!" Leo defended himself. "If we didn't stop, we would've passed New Jersey!"

"Does anyone know which city she's in?" Piper asked.

"I think Percy said she was in... Leed's Point?" Jason squeaked. "Don't take my word for it, but we should search there just in case I'm right. She's in an emporium..."

"Got it." Leo nodded.

Piper looked up at the sign above their heads. LEED'S POINT 2 MILES AHEAD.

"Are we thinking about using the Argo II?" Jason asked.

"No," Leo shook his head. "For two miles, it's not worth it. Hiking should be good enough."

"Really?" Piper groaned.

"It's gonna take a lot of power to turn Festus back on, and I need to give him his well deserved rest!" Leo patted the metal dragon soothingly.

"Leo..." Piper sighed.

"We've gotta go," Jason jumped in before Leo could say anything back. "We've wasted enough time. A two mile hike is nothing."

It was true. The hike was fairly easy, pretty boring, and full of trees and weird bushes.

"So after Medusa..." Piper trailed off.

"We go visit Uncle Hades," Jason replied.

"And what are we supposed to say? 'Oh, your nephew is dying so we have to kidnap some dirt from your piece of land?'" Leo asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well we aren't saying that," Piper hesitated before replying. "But we need to focus on Medusa right now. The trail's coming to an end."

"Obviously, Piper can charmspeak her," Jason said.

"So we close our eyes?" Leo asked.

"But what if I charmspeak her into closing her eyes and she doesn't, but I open my eyes? I'm gonna turn into stone!" Piper exclaimed.

Suddenly, Jason's eyes brightened. "Pipes, do you still have your compact mirror that your mom gave you for your sixteenth birthday?"

"Yeah, why--"

"Yes!" Jason fist-pumped the air. "You can look at Medusa through that!"

"Jason..." Piper stared open-mouthed at her boyfriend. "You're a genius!"

Leo chuckled at the sight of the couple. How he wished he had a girl to worship him... Pretty soon, they were in front of a building the color of ash. Well, the walls were. A small little door was there, painted green as if it would help the vicious sight in front of them. A sign hung up in front, making Leo squint to read it. Actually, there was no need. It was in Greek, confirming Leo's suspicions about the place. This was the lair of Medusa.

Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium

"Pretty friendly name for something this hideous," Piper noted.

"Are we prepared? Jase? Do you have your sword?" Leo asked, turning to his friend.

Jason took out a coin in his pocket, flipping it. "Got it."

"Is everyone armed?" Piper asked.

Leo felt his hammer inside his pocket. Yes, he was armed.

"Let's go in..."

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