Chapter 49 || Annabeth

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Annabeth didn't know whether to be happy that her boyfriend was alive or angry because he made her worry like that. The moment he screamed a raspy question, she began to fuss.

"Lay down right now!" she demanded when he tried to sit up.

"OW!" he gasped, finally beginning to assess himself.

Realizing that it'd be easier to treat him while he was asleep rather than if he was awake, Annabeth turned the crank up on his sedative and Percy fell asleep peacefully in her arms. The moment he was asleep, she turned on everyone.

"What happened?" she demanded.

"I... I dunno!" Piper looked over at him while working on his wounds. "He was dead and then he wasn't!"

"Don't tell me he's cursed again," Leo groaned.

"It's a process."

The six demigods turned around to face Thanatos, standing there in all his glory. Striding forward, he glanced down at them.

"It's a Death Curse," the god said plainly. "What did you think was gonna happen? The antidote worked, but I had to release him from the curse and I wasn't done finishing my coffee yet, so I had to let you guys wait a sec."

They all stared, dumbfounded at the god.

"You!" Annabeth suddenly screamed, slapping the god of death right across the face. "You hurt him so badly and you say nothing!"

"I chose him to survive because he deserved it," Thanatos said firmly. "He is a valuable asset to the war and we need him as much as we need everyone else. Do you know the stakes of what would happen if the Olympians fell--"

"Percy's not an object!" Annabeth threw a roll of bandages at the god before Frank held her back with the help of Hazel. "HE'S NOT THERE FOR YOU TO CONTROL! DO YOU SEE HOW MUCH HE SUFFERS FOR YOU?! YET YOU TAKE IT FOR GRANTED!"

Thanatos glared at her, looking offended. "I relieved him from the Death Curse, girl! Isn't that enough? Be happy that he's alive and well!"

"He went to Tartarus because of your stupid curse," Annabeth hissed. "If you think I'll be okay with it, you're gonna be sorry."

Instead of bursting back at the demigod, Thanatos calmed down. "Fine. But your tone and attitude is no way to treat a god. I don't think it's wise for you to do that again, especially since your mother is the goddess of wisdom herself."

Annabeth still glared defiantly.

"I came here to tell you about Perseus's recovery. When he wakes up, his wounds will heal normally and his bones will, too. For the next month or two, he needs to take these pills once a day to relieve any internal damage that could've happened and to restore the connection between his subconsciousness and his consciousness. Other than that, make sure he drinks plenty of fluids and try to keep him on light foods instead of heavy for the next week."

Before anyone could say anything else, Thanatos had already disappeared, tablet and all.


Taking a night walk on the Argo II with the chance of monsters coming to eat her alive wasn't her intention. Annabeth simply needed some space, particularly cool air, to blow away any tension and sorrow she had been feelng earlier. She thought of what would've happened if Percy had died.

Percy was on his way to becoming the person he always wanted to be. A high-paid spy with a repuatation that could take Olympia by storm. His power over the whole world was crazy already. He earned billions into his cougan account that he would access when he was eighteen. He had the potential to become the next great Olympian, if he chose to become one.

She knew that if he died, hope in the Olympian empire would fall, too.

"Feeling a little down, my daughter?"

Annabeth whirled around to see a woman with flowing dirty blonde hair that was dark enough to be considered brown.

"M-Mother?" she stuttered, in awe.

"You've done well, my daughter. This was your first quest and you fufilled it with quality and bravery. You should be proud... But I sense that you're sad?" Athena inquired, peering curiously at Annabeth.

Gray met gray and Annabeth almost gasped at the resemblance.

"Mother... Would you like to take a guess at why I'm sad?"

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?" Athena asked. "Percy?"

"Yeah," Annabeth sighed. "I'm not here for you to tell me that he's not enough for me. I love him with all my heart and I will do anything for him."

"I'm not here to do so, even if I don't particularly love him. He's a decent man. All I wish to see is what he'll do for you, considering what you've done for him." Athena glanced over at the door leading back inside the ship. "You sacrificed so much, Annabeth. If he isn't to do the same, I will be displeased."

"Do you know how much he did for me, Mother?" Annabeth asked, stepping forward. "He sacrificed his own happiness for me. He refused me in order to protect me and emotions are as painful as knives. He has done the equal amount that is needed! He is far more worthy than any person I'll ever meet and the only person I'll ever love. I just know it!"

Athena raised an eyebrow, pacing forward until she was inches away from her daughter. "I see you love him so... I don't retalliate. He is decent enough. However, his father and I won't like to deal with each other. Poseidon has always been icky and hopefully his son is a lot better."

"Mother, Percy isn't remotely anything like the typical god of Olympus. He is humble and grounded."

"I shall hope to see that shown in him while he wakes up. However, I still ask you to tread with caution as the war approaches, Daughter. For now, I wish you good luck and farewell."

And like that, she was gone. Why did they leave so quickly? Only the Olympian gods can explain themselves.

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