Chapter 35 || Annabeth

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After what had happened with Nico a while ago, Annabeth was worried for her friend. Of course, she knew he must've had a good reason to fire and he didn't really hurt Luke in any fatal way, but it was still something the poor boy was crying over.

"Why... why... why..." he was muttering over and over again between sobs.

With the miserable sobbing of her friend, the cheering and laughing from the bars in town, and the sound of reckless teenagers, everyone was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. Frank cleared his throat now and then to make the silence less deafening, but drew back the moment he started as if it would cause an earthquake.

Annabeth silently hummed a tune that only she and Percy knew as they pulled up in the driveway of the electricity facility, a.k.a, the facility of Zeus.

Hm... Hm... Hm...


Hm... hmm... hmmm...


HM... HM... HM... HMMMM--

"Okay! I can't stand this anymore, so Nico, are you okay?" Annabeth snapped, annoyed by the small sounds of fidgeting.

"Oh... uh... yeah," Nico said in a quavering voice. "I'm good..."

"Listen... it's okay," Annabeth pulled him into an embrace.

He stiffened, but eventually relaxed, crying into Annabeth's shoulder.

"I didn't mean to... I was just so angry..." Nico breathed between sobs.

"We understand," Annabeth reasoned. "It's okay, Neeks. We're always here for you no matter what you do. And you didn't even do any good damage!"

"But I could've..." Nico sniffed. "I always was a loser and this doesn't prove me wrong."

Before Annabeth could say anything else, Frank cleared his throat. "We're here."

The electricity facility was a tower compared to the size of the knowledge facility, which was the only facility Annabeth had been to. She guessed that the water facility was the same, as well as the death and jewels facility, given that they were owned by the Big Three gods. Frank approached the gate.

"Name and purpose?" a guard asked.

"Our names are Frank Zhang, Annabeth Chase, and Nico di Angelo, Olympian spies," Frank answered. "We are requesting to see Lord Zeus about a certain matter that I cannot disclose to you."

"Do you swear not to harm Lord Zeus?"

"We swear," they all said.

"You may enter."

Parking in an open spot, they all got out, hesitantly stepping to the stairs. Soon, Annabeth had her finger hovering over the doorbell.

"Go on," Frank motioned. "Ring the bell."


No answer. Annabeth's forehead began to sweat as she rang again.


A man with Thalia's electric blue eyes and dark hair opened the door, staring down at the three awed demigods.

"How can I help you..." Zeus checked his tablet. "Annabeth Chase, Nico di Angelo..." his eyes narrowed at the mention of his nephew, "...and Frank Zhang?"

"Hello, Lord Zeus." Annabeth tried to keep her professionalism throughout her entire explanation of why they were there.

Zeus's eyes narrowed, but he said nothing as he let them inside and closed the door. The electricity facility was surprisingly homey, with a grayish-blue couch and a black coffee table resting in front. Zeus sat them down before taking a sip of tea.

"Would you like some?" he asked rather gruffly.

"Uh... no thank you," Annabeth said politely.

"Alright. You're asking about Europa?"

"Yes. Lord Zeus, we understand that you kidnapped her for a reason, but we really need her to be reunited with Lord Phoenix again."

"For... Percy Jackson?" Zeus's jaw tightened at his other nephew's name.

"Yes, sir," Frank replied.

"A big feat for a person I don't like..." Zeus muttered, though all three spies heard it.

"Lord Zeus, please!" Annabeth suddenly started begging. "He's been through so much for the good of the Olympian empire and he's literally the best spy in history! Surely you can't let him die for the Olympians!"

"Hercules, Achilles, Theseus, Orion, Perseus... they all died and we did nothing about it. Why should I do anything for Percy Jackson?" Zeus raised an eyebrow.

"So you can grow a baby in your leg but you can't hand over a girl you clearly know the location of?" Nico challenged.

"Watch your tone, boy." Zeus's eyes narrowed. "I don't care if you are my nephew. Respect is still required."

Nico huffed before sulking back to his original seat on the couch.

"Give me a reason why I should help someone I clearly dislike, granddaughter. Tell me."

Annabeth gulped, but continued speaking as confidently as she could.

"He has so many friends who love him! We'd all have no strength without him by our side."

"So? Why do I care?" Zeus raised an eyebrow.

"Jason would be heartbroken!" Annabeth cried out.

Zeus shrugged. "My son can deal with it--"

"Thalia would be gone!" Annabeth cut him off.

At this, Zeus stiffened, looking at Annabeth.

"Thalia..." Annabeth trailed off at her best friend's name. "Do you know how much Percy means to her?" When Zeus said nothing, she continued. "He is her best friend. Percy taught her that some people actually care. He's practically her brother! If he died, do you know how much pain she'd be in? Do you even care?"

Zeus was pale as he stared at Annabeth. "I..." he trailed off.

"Zeus, at least do it for your brother," Frank pleaded. "Poseidon is your brother by blood. You have the same father and the same mother. Surely you don't get along very well, but you at least love him the slightest bit, right? Imagine what it'd be like if he lost his one and only son. He'd lose the will to live. He loves Percy with all his heart! Do it for Thalia, Jason, and Poseidon, if not for me, Nico, and Annabeth."

Zeus was frozen, staring with narrowed eyebrows at the floor.

"Lord Zeus--"


"Y-Yes, sir?" A timid guard came up.

"Lead these three demigods to Europa, who is located in cell 2002 in the northern BC side in hallway E."

Hope flared in Annabeth's chest as she stared in shock at her grandfather. As she turned to leave, he stopped her.

"Annabeth, wait."

She turned, staring up at the god.

"If you see Thalia..." his voice was soft. "Can you tell her that I say hi? And if you can... tell her that I love her?"

Annabeth found herself tongue-tied at the hopeful look in Zeus's normally hard eyes.

"Yeah," she managed to croak. "I will. I promise."

"Thank you."

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