Part 1

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My name is Y/n Garcia and I am 17 years old. I was born on April 20th and I am a Taurus. I have 3 siblings who live with me and my mom. I have a 3 months old baby named Saylah Garcia and this is how it started.

Back Story-I was born in Chicago to Kendra Harvard and Gary Garcia.They had me in highschool. When I was born my dad decided last minute that he didnt want me. So he dipped. My mom was devastated but obviously I was too young to understand. When I was 7 my mom said that we needed a change and that we were going to be moving to a new place. Outerbanks. We had always come back and visited of course and I ended up staying in Chicago through out middle school and freshman year, with my aunt. When I started highschool in OBX I was initially a kook. My mom became a lawyer and actually became very successful. When I moved, I was invited to a party where I met Rafe Cameron. I also met the Pogues.That night I had made a few friends, but they weren't kooks besides Rafe so my mother hated that I hung around the Pogues. Eventually I started to date Rafe. To be completely honest it was probably the best relationship I have ever been in. It was my 16th birthday and Rafe took me to a few places and then back to his house. Many things happened that night, one thing being me getting pregnant. I found out 2 weeks later when I had missed my period. I first told my mother, who i thought would have some kind of sympathy considering she was in my same position not to long ago. But no, she looked at me disgusted and told me to get the hell out and not come back. Obviously I was upset, I had just found out I was pregnant and the one person I thought would understand and help me, turned her back on me. After I had gotten my things and left, I went to Rafes house. When I got there Sarah answered the door, seeing me in the state i was in she was immediately concerned. I told her I needed Rafe and she ran to get him. Once he had seen me he pulled me into a hug and asked what was wrong. I pulled him away from the house so no one could hear and i told him with no hesitation. At first he was silent, and then he looked at me the same way my mother did and told  me that it wasnt his and that I was a slut and that I needed to go tell whoever the dad was to deal with it. Then he left me in his drive way. That was the last time I talked to him or seen him. After all of that I had no where else to go so I went to John B's who was like a brother to me. When I got there I explained to him and his dad what happened and they told me that I could stay there as long as I needed to. Then John B suggested that I just stay and get emancipated. Big john agreed and thats what we did. When I was 3 months pregnant Big John went missing, and was soon pronounced dead. John B didn't believe anything the cops said. He said he needed to see a body first and then they could say something. 6 months later I was in a hospital bed with JJ, John B., and Kie all by my side as I pushed out my now 3 month old baby girl, Saylah Garcia. And now we are here.

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