Part 13

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Y/n's POV

Today I woke up early so I could get ready. We decided to go to the pool today.

Saylah was still asleep so I quietly pulled her playpen out of the bathroom.

I showered and cleansed my face before putting on my swimsuit.

I took a second to look I the mirror as I trailed my eyes down my body.

I hated it.

It wasn't my figure. It was the fact that my hips had gotten bigger and stretch marks ran up from my thighs all the way to my belly button. Now I had I little bit of a stomach.

I had never paid attention before so much. Mostly because I had no one to impress. But now that I was actually taking a second to actually look at it, I was noticing more flaws the longer I stared.

I shook my head and wiped the tears out of my eyes about to open the door.

That's when Rafe came in. He saw my puffy eyes and looked at me concerned.

"Baby what's wrong." He asked stepping closer.

"Nothing just... nothing." I said not being able to come up with anything.

I tried to push my way past him but he grabbed my waist to keep me in front of him.

I ripped his hands of off me and stepped back.

Rafe held eye contact with me. I couldn't look at him. I knew he was gonna make me tell him. And I knew I wasn't getting past until I did.

"What's wrong?" He asked again.

"I just- I haven't taken a good look at my body since I had Saylah until now. I'm just recognizing things I haven't before... and I don't like it." I said facing the mirror again.

His face fell. He shook his head and stepped closer to me, picking me up and placing me on the counter.

"Baby your perfect... please don't talk down to yourself your beautiful ok?" He said rubbing my cheeks.

"It's just-" I started

"Stop, your beautiful ok. Everything about you, is absolutely amazing." He leaned in and kissed me softly, and then trailed all the way down to my toes.

I couldn't help but laugh. He smiled and then picked me up bring me back to the main part of the room.

I saw Saylah standing in her playpen holding the sides as she bounced her knees.

"Hi princess, how did you sleep." I said picking her up.

She babbled and swung her arms happily.

"Are you hungry, we got knew food today. Strawberry kiwi and bananas. So yummy!" I smiled at her and tickled her stomach before picking up her floor seat.

I placed it on the bed and sat in front of her opening the baby food.

She seemed to like it so I continued to feed it to her.

"So who are you going with?" Rafe asked.

"With Elena and Julianna. Probably Jayla. I promise we won't be gone all day. Oh and we decided to just go to lunch and then to the old park we use to go to. So you can come swimming with us. Obviously since it's here. But I just wanted to let you know." I said wiping some of the food off of Saylah face.

"Cool, are you gonna take Saylah?" He asked

"Can you watch her? I promise we won't be long." I said hesitantly.

"It's ok baby, just go have fun. Me and Saylah will be cool." He said kissing my forehead.

"Ok, thank you so much." I said as Saylah finished her food.

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