Part 3

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Y/n's POV

"So what did you need to talk about." Sarah asked.

"You need to tell Topper that he owes my brother money and he needs to give it to him." I said

"Ok and why do I need to tell him?" She asks.

"Because he's avoiding both me and my brother so tell him he needs to just pay up it's only 30 bucks." I said

"Alright I'll tell him." She said

"Thank you, also can you hold her." I said

She nodded taking Saylah into her arms as I stormed back into the house and went to the back yard.

"So what the fuck are you telling people? Because the fact that your bitch ass friend are sitting in your kitchen calling me a slut and a whore is completely uncalled for." I said storming up to him.

"What are you even talking about? Why are you here?" He asked me.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. I get it you fucking hate me, but get your friends in check and tell the truth or don't say anything at all." I was holding back tears literally ready to go off on anyone that wanted to say some slick shit.

"Hold on what are you guys screaming about?" Ward asked.

"Your piece of shit son knocked me up and then called me a slut but not before telling me that it wasn't his. He didn't even tell you guys did he?" I asked looking at Ward.

"I don't know why your doing
here acting all bitchy-" Rafe was cut off... by my hand across his face.

"Fuck you Rafe." I said as I stormed away taking Saylah from Sarah and walking out of the house. I started to walk to The Wreck knowing that was the one place I could go to calm down without having a complete break down.

I was beyond angry with him. I understood if he didn't want to be in her life. I understood that he wasn't ready to be a father. I even took the humiliation from everyone, including him, being the only teen mom on the island. I could have brought up his name and ruined his whole reputation, but now that I knew he was telling people shit that probably wasn't true, I felt stupid, knowing I still loved him and I still wouldn't say anything.

Once I had mad it to The Wreck I sat down at one of the tables and looked at the menu.

"Hey sweetheart, what can I get you?" Mrs.Carrera asked.

"Hi um, can you just get me and order of fries and a large water." I said.

"Of course honey, are you ok?" She asked

"Yea uh just a bad day so far that's all." I said

"Well if you need to talk I'm here." She said before walking of to get my food.

I sighed before rubbing my head as Saylah copied me.

"Your so pretty, I'm sorry you had to see all that today. I know you weren't exactly planned but I wouldn't trade you for the world." I said rocking her in my arms as Mrs. Carrera came back with my food.

"Thank you, um how much is it?" I asked

"It's nothing sweetie, you take her home ok, it's humid today. Did you walk here?" She asked

"Um yea, it's ok though it won't talk long." I said grabbing my stuff.

"No, you sit down and I will call Kiara to come with the boys ok?" She said pulling her phone out.

"Thank you so much." I said sitting back down.

"Of course, they should be here in a minute." She said finishing her text.

I nodded at her letting her know I understood. I ate my fries and drank some of my water while giving Saylah a few sips as well.

A minute later I saw John B. run inside and helped with my stuff.

"Thanks again Mrs.Carrera, see you soon." I yelled

"See you soon." She smiled

JJ helped me in the boat and I sat in the back next to Kie.

"What happened." Pope asked

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said swallowing the tears.

It was awkward silence for most of the boat ride until Kiara spoke up.

"I know you don't wanna talk but, let's talk. Girl talk, those dumbasses aren't listening." She said

"When Rose went to get Sarah, some of his friends were in the kitchen. They called me a slut and a whore and then just laughed about it." I scoffed shaking my head.

"Rafes friends?" She asked and I nodded.

"I don't know why I'm getting so worked up over it, but he doesn't understand and never will understand how much of a struggle this is. I know I have you guys and your guys parents but, I needed him and he made it seem like I was the bad guy. And I know he probably made up story's about me, I saw the way Ward looked at me when he saw that I was there." I said as a few tears slipped.

"I'm sorry bean." Kie said pulling me into a hug. I knew she didn't really know what else to say and that was ok. I just hoped she would never be in my position.

After boating around for a while, we all headed back to the Chateau and I put Saylah down for a nap.

"Ok now that she's asleep, JJ do the honors please." I said passing him my weed and a pack of blunts.

"Of course m'lady." He took it from me as I sat down next to him.

He started to roll up and I leaned back on the couch thinking about what has happened since I got pregnant. Big John went missing, I almost miscarried, I found out my dad was in jail again. The list just went on and weed helped me stop thinking about all of that.

Once JJ was done he sparked the blunt and leaned back and wrapped his arm around my shoulder letting me cuddle into his side.

He passed my the blunt, I hit it, and leaned my head back finally relaxing.

After me and JJ finished the blunt off we were pretty much just sitting there.

"Dude." I said

"Dudett." JJ replied

"The 'old you' is actually the younger you." I said

He thought for a second before his eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he looked over at me.

"Bro... that's fucking crazy." He said before we both bursted out laughing.

"You guys are way to high right now." John B. chuckled.

"You know what we should do?" I asked

"Make some food." JJ replied smirking at me.

"This is why your my smoke bestie, now carry me." I said lifting my arms as JJ got up from the couch.

JJ picked me up and brought me to the kitchen, setting me on the counter.

"Ok I need the Doritos, a pop tart, and a Mountain Dew." I said to JJ.

"Here you go." He said giving me  the stuff.

"I think I'm gonna get my own place." I said

"Why would you do that when you can stay here." JJ asked

"Well I just feel like I need my own place, and Saylah is getting big so fast. I want her to be able to have her own space you know what I mean? It won't happen right away, but definitely soon." I said sipping my drink.

"But we all love having you guys here." JJ said

"I'll still be around and annoying you guys everyday. I'm just not gonna sleep here... we'll maybe sometimes." I said

JJ nodded and we both headed back to the living room.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed guys." I said

"Goodnight!" JJ and John B said

"Goodnight" I said before going into my room and falling asleep.

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