Part 26

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Y/n's pov

It been 5 days and I haven't heard from Kie at all. Right now I was on the phone with Rafe, for the first time since he's been gone.

He had been telling me what it was like and I was telling him about Saylah.

"So how have you been?" He asked me.

"I've been ok. But um I have to talk to you.." I swallowed.

"What's wrong?" His voice got serious.

"I was gonna wait to tell you, but I figured it would be worse if I waited.." I started

"Y/n your scaring me what's going on?" He said

"I slept with Kie.." I blurted out.

He was quiet for a moment and all I could hear was his breathing.

"Rafe? Say something please?" I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I don't really know what to say.... How?" He asked

"It was the night you left... I was super fucked up and I don't even remember it happening. I know that's a terrible excuse but I really don't remember. The last thing I remember from that night was sitting in the couch with JJ and Jayla smoking. I swear I didn't mean for any of this to happen." At this point I was bawling.

Again he was quiet.

"Who initiated it?" He asked.

"...Apparently I did..." I told him clenching my eyes shut terrified if his reaction.

"Wow, um, I really don't know what to say right now..." he said, but he seemed perfectly fine.

Rafes an emotional person, and maybe he's in shock but he seemed like he expected it to happen.

"Im sorry Rafe, I really am. I don't know how I can get you to trust me again but please, please don't leave me again." I cried.

"Baby, im not gonna fucking leave you. Am I pissed? Of course I am, but this is something we can get past. Obviously this isn't the best circumstance but, we'll figure it out ok? We always do." He told me.

"Why are you acting so cool about this?" I asked him.

"Let's just say Jaylas got your back." He said

"She told you didn't she?" I asked him

"Yea she did." I heard him laugh.

"That fucking bitch. I can't tell you how many times I hid that shit from all her boyfriends." I laughed as well.

"I love you baby, but for real, can I ask you something?" He said

"Yea of course." I said obviously.

"Did she do better than me?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Your serious?" I asked him.

"Dead serious." He said

"Then I dead seriously don't know." I told him.

"Jesus Y/n last time you blacked out was at the party in sophomore year when Topper broke his arm jumping in the pool!" He laughed.

"Omg I remember that so vaguely. I only remember topper getting put into the ambulance and it's all a blur from there." I smiled.

"Yeaaa.." he said awkwardly.

"So you don't hate me?" I asked him.

"I could never hate you, all though you do piss me off sometimes." He giggled

"Touché." I giggled as well.

"Well I have to go soon, but call me tomorrow?" He said.

"Ok I will, I love you." I told him.

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