Part 5

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Y/n's POV

"Guys I told him that I would give him a chance to at least be around her... for now, so just try and not look at him like your gonna kill him." I said

"So we're just gonna act like he didn't leave you as a pregnant teen." JJ said angrily.

"Ok well you guys have to remember he's still her dad and I know what it's like to grow up without one and that's not what I want for Saylah. So please at least try and be cordial." I said before walking away to my room. I shut the door behind me and Rafe was in my bed with Saylah chewing aggressively on his shirt.

"She won't let go." Rafe chuckled.

"Ok mamas come here." I said prying his shirt out of her mouth.

"So she's probably gonna fall asleep but you can stay for awhile." I said

I leaned in my pillows and pulled out my boob as she latched herself on. I looked over to see Rafe staring intensely.

"It's not anything you haven't seen before why so nervous?" I smirked.

"I-uh it's nothing, just um yeah it's nothing." He stuttered causing me to laugh.

"Oww god damn it, she's gonna start teething soon." I said pulling her away as she bit down.

"What happened?" He asked

"She bit my nipple." I wined as she latched back on.

"You use to like that." Rafe giggled.

"Ok that was only like twice you weird fuck." I said blushing.

"You still like it though." He laughed.

"Shut up no one needs to know that." I laughed with him.

"I really missed you." He said

"I missed you to. But you know this doesn't mean we are getting back together right away." I said

"Right away?" He asked

"Yes not right away. That's something we can talk about another time." I said

He sighed and laid on his side.

"Who was in the hospital with you?" He asked

"Well John B was there the whole time and JJ and Kie came literally right before she came." I told him.

He stayed quiet and I could tell he was contemplating.

"I'm sorry." He said

"You already apologized." I chuckled.

"I know but I feel like a piece of shit and I want to be there for Saylah. I don't want her to have a shitty dad like we do. And I want you to be happy, even if it's not with me." He said quietly.

"Just promise you won't disappear and I'll be happy." I said

"I promise." He said drifting into sleep.

I smiled down at him before putting Saylah in her crib. I went to my bathroom and wash my face putting on a big t-shirt and shorts.

Then I went out to the living room seeing JJ and John B.

"So like what's going on?" John B asked

"Look, we still need to talk more but he wants to be in Saylahs life and I don't want either of them to miss out on having a relationship. I don't know what's going on with us. But he seems like, not okay. Even though he left me I still care for him. And it took me a really long time to get over him. To be honest I don't know if I really am. But that's something that we are going to talk about. I can't pretend like what he did didn't happen but I still love him." I said be completely honest. I was angry for sure, but I didn't feel like it was ok for me to tell him he couldn't be in her life. At least he came back before she was old enough to realize he was gone.

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