Part 6

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Y/n's POV

I kissed him.

It wasn't a small peck or a kiss on the cheek, I actually kissed him.

And he kissed me back.

God I missed his lips so much.

Once I pulled away he smiled at me and I smiled back. All of a sudden her started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I wined

"Oh nothing just the fact that we almost had a whole make out sesh and our baby has you titty hanging out of her mouth." He giggled.

"Damn it Rafe you always ruin the moment." I laugh.

I pulled my boob out of Saylahs mouth and she was asleep so I just laid her back in her crib. I pulled my shirt back up before laying back on the bed.

"How are you so awake?" I asked Rafe.

"Maybe because I didn't stay up as late as you did." He said laying down on his side and facing me.

"It's still only like 6 in the morning." I mumbled.

"Yea, I'm a pretty alert person." He replied.

"You should go back to sleep." I said stretching causing my legs to shake slightly.

I saw the smirk on Rafes face and I giggled and turned away from him.

"I'm going to sleep. Goodnight." I said scooting into him.

"Goodnight." He laughed pulling me closer.

Skip Time

When I woke up Rafe wasn't there. Saylah wasn't either.

I quickly jumped up and ran out the door to the living room to see Rafe watching Saylahs favorite show while feeding Saylah a bottle.

I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding. That caught Rafes attention causing him to look over to me.

"Hey, sorry for scaring you. She woke me up and you seemed tired." He said

"No it's ok, I just didn't see her. How did you know this was her favorite show?" I asked him.

"Because if I tried to put on anything else she would cry." He said as I sat down next to him.

"Yea she's stubborn." I giggled.

"Hey so I was wondering if you could maybe come to my house, and talk to my parents with me. They still don't really understand. I kind of left after you came over that one day. I haven't been back sense." He said

"Yea we can go. Just let me shower first. She needs a bath to so I think I'll just shower with her." I said

Rafe nodded and passed Saylah to me, after I got up and got in the shower with her.

Once we were done and dressed I packed her diaper bag and walked out to the living room where I found Rafe putting his shoes on.

"Before we go.. um.. I don't really know how my dad is gonna react to me being back. If things get to be to much m, please just leave. I don't want either of you around that." He said standing up.

"I'm not making any promises, you don't have to go through that alone." I said seriously.

"I'm sorry I'm advance, seriously with me and my dad, sometimes our anger gets the best of both of us and he really stresses me out and I can't control myself sometimes. I just need you to promise me that if you can see that I'm getting worked up please just leave. Please." He said

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