Memes & Videos

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Multi: *Teleport them all *Your going to reacts to short videos and pictures.

Tuff: Sound cool!

Multi: And somebody get me Meta Knight!

Meta Knight: *Right behind Multi* Yo.

Multi: *Turns around* Cheese and rice, Meta! Anyways react! *The first video comes on*

Tiff: Who is that?

Kirby: It's Margolor he used to be a bad guys but now he sells stuff at his shop.

Sir. M: That's good to hear.

King Dedede: Boring!

MK: Aren't you boring too?

All of the Kirby Anime characters: ... *They weren't expecting Meta Knight to say that*

Multi: O.K! Now you guys are going to see how the other Meta Knight acts. *Points to the Kirby Anime characters. We're skipping the first 2.* 


Meta Knight: Behold, I have returned to the battlefield once more. I have come back new and improved.

Tuff: I don't know he seems the same as ours...

Dedede: Um what about you is exactly new? You look the same to me...

Meta Knight: Gauntlets!


Tuff: Nvm.

King Dedede: He worse than ours!

[Kirby's Merchandise:]

Kirby: Guys!! You have to see this! Pretty cool right..?

Tuff: Merchandise?

Tiff: It's like those toys, they put inside the chocolate a while back, remember.

Tuff: Oh, yeah!

*Meta Knight looks at the box closely then he was shocked*

Escargoon: So he just a fraidy cat!

Axe: Speak for yourself! I saw you hide into your shell when Lord Meta Knight came in for the first time.

Dedede: Ugh... Why do you always have better merchandise.

Meta Knight: *snort* 

Susie: He laughed?

Poyo: Poyo? Poyo!

Dedede: Ugh... Are you okay?

Meta Knight: Uh...

Tuff: Why did he laugh.

Kirby & Tripple D: I still don't understand.

Multi: He laughed because the box described Kirby as "Putitto"

Tiff: What does it mean.

Multi: It's the B word.

Tripple D: *started to laugh*

Kirby: Why didn't you tell me!

Multi: Next!

[No Official Title]

Game Kirby and Anime Kirby react to stuff and meet each otherWhere stories live. Discover now