Chapter 4

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"Hello" a woman said

"Who's there?" Grace said

"Over here, child" the woman said, Grace turned around and it was Ursula, the Sea Witch "the name's Ursula, my eels Flotsam and Jetsam heard that you want to be a mermaid"

Grace gasped a little bit when she saw Flotsam and Jetsam

"But, how did they..." Grace confused

"We saw you last night at the beach" Flotsam interrupted

"And you were saying that how much you want to swim like a mermaid, like Ariel" Jetsam added

"So you two were spying on me" Grace said

"Maybe?" Flotsam and Jetsam said together

"Look child, if they weren't there last night, I probably won't be able to help you" Ursula said

"Help me?" Grace confused

"You see I'll be helping Ariel soon and her wish is kind of the opposite of yours" Ursula said "she's in love with a human Prince and always wants to be part of the human world"

"But I'm not in love with someone, I'm only 5" Grace said

"I'll make you a deal, I'll turn you into a mermaid for 3 days, if the Prince and Ariel kiss, she'll be human forever and you'll be a mermaid forever too, but if they don't, you'll turn back into a human, she'll turn back into a mermaid and...... she'll belong to me"

"What?" Grace shocked

"Have we got a deal?" Ursula asked

"But I don't have anything and I don't even know how to swim" Grace said

"I'm not asking much and don't worry, Ariel's voice will be enough" Ursula said as she went back into the ocean

"Wait what?" Grace said but Ursula, Flotsam and Jetsam were already gone "did i just had a deal with Ursula, great"

A while later, Grace was sitting on the sand, admiring the water, until she felt something on her legs

"Uh oh, it's happening now" Grace panicked and then her legs were magically turned into a tail and it was pink

After the transformation, Grace crawls into the ocean, thinking that she could find Ariel and she had succeed, she saw Ariel looking at her new human legs, she even saw Flounder and Sebastian and started crawling closer to them

"Well, look at what the catfish dragged in!" Scuttle said as he flew down and landed on Ariel's new leg "Look at ya! Look at ya! There's something different. Don't tell me. I got it. It's your hairdo, right? You've been using the dinglehopper, right?"

Ariel shakes her head

"No? No, huh? Well, let me see. New seashells?" Scuttle thinks "no new seashells. I gotta admit, I can't put my foot on it right now, but if I just stand here long enough, I should..."

"She's got legs, you idiot!" Sebastian interrupted him "she traded her voice to the sea witch and got legs! Geez, mon!"

"I knew that" Scuttle said

"Ariel's been turned into a human" Flounder explained "she'll have to make the prince fall in love with her, and he's gotta he's gotta kiss her"

"And she's only got three days!" Sebastian explained too "and the sea witch also said that about a child who wants to be mermaid so if Ariel turns into a human, the child will turn into a mermaid"

Then Grace lost her balance and fell into the water, making the other noticed it, she spits out the water and said disgusted "salt water"

Grace noticed them noticing her, she said "um... hi"

"You must be the human child who wants to be a mermaid, right?" Sebastian asked

"Uh yeah, that's me" Grace confessed and showed them her pink tail while Ariel was trying to stand up, but she couldn't and she fell into the water

"Just look at her! On legs! On human legs!" Sebastian shudders "my nerves are shot! This is a catastrophe! What would her father say? I'll tell you what her father'd say. He'd say he's gonna kill himself a crab! That's what her father'd say! I'm gonna march myself straight home right now and tell him like I should of done the minute"

Ariel scoops him up and starts shaking her head frantically

"And don't you shake your head at me, young lady! Maybe there's still time. If we could get that witch to give you back your voice, you could go home with all the normal fish and just be..." Sebastian said and he sees Ariel's face falls "just be... just be miserable for the rest of your life.... alright, alright. I'll try to help you find that prince"

Ariel overjoyed, kisses Sebastian and puts him on a rock

"What a softshell I'm turning out to be" Sebastian said

"Now Ariel, I'm telling ya" Scuttle said "if you want to be a human, the first thing ya gotta do is to dress like one"

After Scuttle helped Ariel to use a old sail into a dress, Scuttle came to Grace and said "what's your name, kid?"

"Grace" she introduced herself

"Now Grace, if you want to be a mermaid, the first thing ya gotta do is swim like one" Scuttle said

"But I don't know how to swim" Grace said

Ariel came to her and showing her how to swim by using her legs for kicking, Grace kicked her tail making her go further, then Ariel showed her arms to stroked, Grace stroked to the water and she finally knows how to swim

"Thank you, Ariel" Grace thanked her, Ariel gave her a kiss on the head and then they heard Max barking coming

Flounder and Grace went underwater, Scuttle flew away and Sebastian jumped in a pocket of Ariel's dress

Eric came and saw Ariel he started to talk to her

After that Eric took Ariel to the castle while Grace, Flounder and Scuttle wishes her good luck

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