Chapter 6

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The next day was the 3rd day, in the middle of the afternoon, Grace and Flounder were at the surface, waiting for Sebastian, he comes with disappointment look

"What's wrong, Sebastian" Grace asked

"I'm afraid that the Prince won't be kissing Ariel" Sebastian said

"What do you mean?" Flounder asked

"He found another girl and they're getting married on the ship by sunset" Sebastian said

"That's terrible" Flounder gasped

"Where's Ariel now?" Grace asked

"She's in her room, crying" Sebastian said

"C'mon, let's give her some company" Flounder said

Few hours later, the sun was slowing setting, the wedding ship was sailed away while Ariel watched, she sat down and quietly sobbed, Grace jumped, grabbed on the dock, pulled herself up and sat next to Ariel, until they heard Scuttle screaming "ARIEL, ARIEL" and he landed on the dock

"Ariel, I was flyin', I of course I was flyin' and I saw that the watch the witch, was watchin' in a mirror and she was singin' with a stolen set of pipes. Do you hear what I'm tellin' you?" Scuttle said as he picks up Sebastian and slams him down on every word "he prince is marryin' the sea witch in disguise!" and he slams Sebastian down

"Are you sure about this" Sebastian asked

"Have I been wrong?" Scuttle asked "I mean when it's important?"

"What are we going to do?" Grace asked, Ariel stood up, looks at the ship and she dived down. Sebastian cuts the rope, making the barrels down to the water and said "Ariel, grab on to that, Flounder, Grace, get her to that boat as fast as your fins can carry you"

"We'll try" Flounder said as Ariel puts rope around him and Grace ties herself in it and they swam off

"Don't worry, Ariel" Flounder said

"We're gonna make it, we're almost there" Grace said

Then they finally made it, Ariel climbs up to the pole that was attached to the boat and Grace decided to climb up too

A she hold on to the balcony of the boat, she heard Ariel's voice vocalizing making her say "huh?"

Then her voice was back in Ariel as she sings and it made Eric realized that it's her

"Ariel?" Eric said

"Eric" Ariel said

"You, you can talk" Eric said and he ran up to her "you're the one"

"Eric, get away from her" Ursula said who was disguise as a woman named Vanessa

"It was you all the time" Eric said

"Oh Eric, I wanted  to tell you" Ariel said

"Eric No" Ursula said when the sun has set and Ariel was turned back into a mermaid and Grace was turned back into human "you're too late, YOU'RE TOO LATE"

She cackled and turned back into her own self, she crawled to Ariel, grabs her and said to Eric "so long, lover boy"

"Let her go, Ursula" Grace said

"Oh hush you little brat" Ursula said as she pushed her off the boat, making her scream

"GRACE" Ariel said and they jumped off the boat

"Ariel" Eric said

Grace started kicking in the water, then she saw Eric in the little boat rowing to her

"Grace, hang on" Eric said to her as he pulls her up to the boat

"Eric, what are you doing?" Grimsby said

"Grim, I lost her once! I'm not gonna lose her again!" Eric said about Ariel

Grace Meets The Little MermaidOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz