Chapter 1

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It was a hot day at the Orphanage for Girls, Grace was in the cafeteria having breakfast with the other girls until Miss Fickle came to them and said "attention girls, today is going to be hot so I thought maybe we can go to the beach this afternoon"

The girls cheered and Miss Fickle said "you girls better be ready cause we'll be leaving in an hour"

"Yes Miss Fickle" the girls and together and Miss Fickle left the dining room

An hour later, Grace was in her room, in her bathing suit getting ready for the beach

"Grace, I have lists of chores for you to..." Miss Fickle said as she opens the door but then she sees Grace in her bathing suit "what are you wearing?"

"A bathing suit" Grace said "you told us that we're going to the beach, remember?"

"Oh I remember that, but you're not coming" Miss Fickle said

"What, why?" Grace asked

"You didn't finished your last chore yesterday" Miss Fickle said

"That's because I was so tired, it was like 3 o'clock in the morning" Grace explained "please Miss Fickle, I really want to go to the beach, so Martha can teach me how to swim I can swim in the ocean like a mermaid, like one of my favourite Disney movies, The Little Mermaid"

"Well that's too bad" Miss Fickle said "you need to learn that every chore you do has to be done"

"Why won't you let me have any fun?" Grace said "what did I ever do to you to hate me?"

Miss Fickle slapped her really hard it made her tripped, then Miss Fickle said "don't you dare talk back to me, you ugly rat" and she slammed the door

Grace quietly sobbed to the floor and said "I don't belong here, I really hope a family will adopt me, but if only I can go to the beach and just swim like Ariel"

Then the wind came, the light appeared, making Grace look up, she got up, walked into the light and it disappeared

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