Chapter 2

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Grace came out of the light, when it disappeared, she looked around and realized that she's at a beach, but it looked pretty familiar, but she couldn't get a good look at the beach cause it was night time

Then she noticed a ship floating by and said to herself "that must be Prince Eric's ship, but how can I get there, I don't know how to swim", then she notices a boat life saver lying on the beach

"That will do" she said, she got in the boat life saver and ran tot he ocean to catch up the ship

As she made to the ship, she grabs on the ship, started climbing up the ladder and saw men dancing

Grace remembered that this is the part when they were celebrating Prince Eric's birthday

"Silence, silence" a man said "it is now my honour and privilege to present our esteemed Prince Eric with a very special, very expensive and a vey large birthday present"

"Ah Grimsby, you beanpole" Eric said "you shouldn't have"

"I know" Grimsby said "Happy Birthday, Eric!" 

Reveals a statue of Prince Eric, making his dog Max growls at it

"Uh, gee Grim. It's it's really something!" Eric said

"Yes, I commissioned it myself" Grimsby said "of course I had hoped it would be a wedding present"

"Oh c'mon Grim, don't start" Eric said as he took the telescope and looks at the ocean with it "look you're not still sore because I didn't fall for the Princess of Glowerhaven, are you?

"Oh Eric, it isn't being alone" Grimsby said after Eric tossed the telescope to him "the entire Kingdom wants to see you happily settled down with the right girl"

"Well she's out there somewhere" Eric said as he sat on the balcony "I just... I just haven't found her yet"

"Well, perhaps you haven't been looking hard enough" Grimsby said

"Believe me, Grim. When I find her, I'll know" Eric said "without a doubt it'll just... BAM! Hit me... like lightning"

Then lightning flashes in the background and wind came

"Hurricane a-coming" a sailor said "stand fast, secure the riggin'"

When the sailors and Eric were securing the ship, Grace was holding on the robe for dear life, but unfortunately she couldn't hold on the boat lifesaver and it blew away. Then she saw a seagull been blown away from the wind while it screamed "ARIEL"

"Scuttle?" Grace thought and then she noticed Ariel holding on the ropes for dear life but then she couldn't hold on anymore, she fell into the ocean and Grace screamed "ARIEL"

Then the lightning strikes the sail and it caught on fire, then the boat got hit by a giant rock, making the men fall out of the ship, then Eric climbed up the ladder cause his dog Max was still on the ship, he got Max, but then he tripped, making him threw Max overboard but luckily Grimsby got the dog on the little boat

Then the ship exploded, making Grace scream while she falls off the ship and landed on the ocean

She jumped up to the surface and tries to make sure her head is up the surface while she screams for help

But then she got tired struggling, she went down underwater as she passed out from exhaustion, then Ariel immediately grabbed her and went up to the surface while she has Eric in her other arm and she took them to the beach

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