Chapter 3

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When the sun was rising, Ariel made it to the beach, she laid Eric and Grace down on the sand but they were like few feet apart

Ariel check on Grace, hoping that she's still alive

"You poor little human girl" Ariel said to herself and then she noticed that Grace started to breathe, so she was relieved

Ariel went to Eric and he wasn't moving, Scuttle came to see if he can help

"Is he dead?" Ariel thought

"It's hard to say" Scuttle said and he picked up Eric's foot and put it to his ear "oh no I can't heart beat"

Then Ariel saw Eric breathing, she said "no look he's breathing..... he is so beautiful" and she started singing to him

Eric started to wake up, seeing her and then she hard Max barking

"Eric, Eric" Grimsby called

As Grimsby was approaching, Max's barking and Ariel went back into the ocean

Grimsby said as he helps Eric to his feet "oh, you really delight in these sadistic strain on my blood pressure don't you"

"A girl, rescued me. She was singing" Eric said "she had the most beautiful voice"

"Ah Eric, I think you swallowed a bit to much sea-water" Grimsby said "off we go. Come along Max"

But as Eric and Grimsby were about to leave, Eric noticed Grace

"Grim, wait" Eric said when he went to Grace

"Oh dear" Grimsby said when he noticed her

"She must of been rescued from the mysterious girl too" Eric said when he picked her up like a bridal style and then Grace was starting to groan a little bit "oh good, she's alive, c'mon Grim let's take her to the castle"

"Very well, Eric" Grimsby said and they were on their way to the castle

A while later at the castle, Grace wakes up from a spare bedroom and she said to herself "well that didn't go well"

The door was open and it was Eric

"Look who's awake" Eric said when he sat on the bed "are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay" Grace replied

"Um do you remember a girl who probably rescued us with a beautiful voice from earlier today?" He asked

Unfortunately Grace couldn't tell him about Ariel cause it will change the whole movie and so she said "I'm sorry I don't remember"

"Oh, that's okay" Eric said "c'mon let's get you something to eat"

He picked her up and carried her to the dining room

After that Grace was at the beach, looking at the ocean thinking

"I wonder what Ariel is doing right now?" She thought to herself "well if only I was there but I can't because I'm not a mermaid and I don't know how to swim"

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