Chapter 5

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The sun was starting to set, Grace and Flounder were trying to figure it out how they can see the inside of the palace

Grace tried to jump a lot but she couldn't get any signs of Ariel

"Don't worry, Grace I hope we'll see them tomorrow" Flounder said

She sighed and said "you're probably right" and they went down to the ocean

She looked around the sea, she sees fished swimming along and Flounder said to her "let's go Ariel's collection cave, you can take shelter there, follow me" and she starts following him

They got in the cave and Grace sees Ariel's collection destroyed

"What happened here?" Grace asked

"Ariel's father, King Triton" Flounder answered "destroyed it after Sebastian told him about Ariel saving the Prince and you"

"Oh" Grace said "but it will do thanks, Flounder"

"You're welcome" Flounder said "I gotta go now, bye"

"Bye" Grace said and he swam away

The next day, Grace and Flounder went back to the surface and seeing Ariel and Eric going to the village

"Has he kissed her yet?" Flounder asked Sebastian who's on the horse carriage with Ariel and Eric

"Not yet" he answered

A while later, Scuttle came and said "yo! Flounder, Grace, any kissing?"

"No, not yet" Grace said

"Well, they'd better get crackin'" Scuttle asked

At night, Eric and Ariel were having a nice boat at the swamp

"Move over, move your big feathers, Grace and I can't see a thing" Flounder whispers to Scuttle

"Nothing is happening, only 1 more day left and that boy ain't puckered up once" Scuttle said "okay alright this calls for a little vocal romantic stimulation" then he flew up the branch of a tree and started singing pretty bad

"Wow. Somebody should find that poor animal and put it out of its misery" Eric said while Scuttle sings pretty bad, making Ariel and the others embarrassed

"Jeez, mon! I'm surrounded by amateurs!" Sebastian said and he jumps in the water "you want something done, you've got to do it yourself"

Sebastian picks a blade of underwater grass and returns to the surface where some turtles are swimming by

He said in a low, seductive voice "first, we've got to create... the mood"

transitioning from speech to song

"Percussion. Strings. Winds. Words" he said and started sing singing "Kiss the Girl"

"You know, I feel really bad not knowing your name. Maybe I can guess" Eric said "is it, uh Mildred?

Ariel looks disgusted

"Okay, no. How about Diana? Rachel?" Eric guessed

Sebastian whispers to Eric "Ariel. Her name's Ariel"

"Ariel?" Eric said

Ariel nods

"Ariel?" Eric said and she nodded again "oh. That's kind of pretty. Okay, Ariel"

Then they went into a swamp tree and then they were slowing started to kiss, but as they were about to kiss, something bumped the boat, making them tip over

"Hang on, I got ya" Eric said to Ariel

"Dang it, they were so close" Grace said

"At least they're okay" Flounder said

A while later, Grace was back in the cave, looking up the surface and said to herself "I have the feeling that tomorrow is going to be.... wild" and she drift off to sleep

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