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the next morning, everything changed. i woke up and couldn't get out of bed. i felt no reason to even stand. maybe i was being overdramatic, but everything that happened last night just ruined everything. i stayed in the bed. for hours. i didn't even eat anything. i barely moved. i just stayed in my bed and stared at the ceiling. thinking. about dad, about marcus, about the school. everything.

eventually, i got the motivation to change my clothes, so i did. nothing fancy, just some dad jeans with a tight t-shirt and light szip-up hoodie. i decided to not do anything with my hair, and just let the bed head work for now. i mean, i wasn't going anywhere, anyways. i then put my favorite cassette into my walkman and plugged in the headphones. i placed the headphones over my head and laid back down on my bed. i sighed and prepared myself for relaxation.

well, that didn't last so long. about a minute later, i heard someone knocking on my door. "gimme a minute." i yelled as i dragged myself out of bed and walked over to the door. when i opened it, i saw master lin looking angry. "shit." i muttered to myself as i bit the inside of my lip with nervousness. "skipping class now, are we?" lin said as he invited himself in and slammed the door closed. "i had a rough night and-." i started, but he cut me off. god, i was tired of people doing that.

"i don't care about a rough night. i accepted you into this school because you were supposed to attend. not have 'rough nights'." lin said with a roll of his eyes. "i didn't ask to be here. you offered me food and a bed and i accepted." i said, which ended up with me getting hit in the mouth with the end of lin's cane. i immediately held my hand to my lip, and when i lowered it, drops of red were covering ym hand. 

"disrespect me again, and it'll be a lot worse." he said as he lowered his cane and turned away. "marcus wants to leave." he then continued on as he found a seat in my dorm. "then let him." was what i wanted to say,  but i'd rather not have a broken nose like brandy. "i put you in charge, kennedy, and you let me down. he was in a fight already?" lin asked sounding completely disappointed. "since when was i in charge? why can't marcus be in charge of himself? he doesn't seem like he even wants me around anymore." i said while sitting down on my bed. 

"fine. i'll put saya in charge. maybe she won't let feelings get in the way, unlike someone." he said as he walked out of my dorm. i threw my hands up. i mind as well quit too. i don't know why everything is falling apart but it just is. but y'know what? maybe i can still fix this. maybe i can talk to marcus. maybe we can be civil and he won't yell. i decided to go to marcus's dorm and make this happen.

i knew he was roomies with shabnam, and shabnam has been here almost as long as me, so i already knew where his dorm was. when i reached the dorm, i knocked on the door and waited outside. "he's not here." shabnam said when he saw me standing outside of the door. he was a chubby nerd at our school who worse glasses. his parents were really rich, though. richer than anyone else's. "well, where is he?" i asked as i crossed my arms. "he left. packed his bags a few minutes ago." shabnam said pretty carelessly. 

already?! there's no way. i decided to go look for him. god knows what he was gonna do, and i wasn't gonna just sit back and watch. when i left, i decided to not ride my bike because there was a higher chance i could miss him in the crowd of people. i went out into the filthy streets of san francisco once again to look for marcus. deja vu.

surprisingly, i eventually found him. he was in the same store that he was in when i first met him.
i decided to follow him but to actually keep a low profile this time. he was in the refrigerated section, and i saw him sneak a water bottle in the inside pocket of his jacket. he looked around to make sure nobody saw him, so i looked away to try and make myself seem normal. he didn't notice me at all. or so i thought. 

i followed him throughout the store, out of the store, and on the side walk for a little while. once we got to a place where there weren't many people, i started to panic. i don't know why he was walking this far, or where he was planning to go. but even worse, he would probably notice me, and i wouldn't be able to blend in. 

"who are you, and why are you following me." marcus said as he continued walking. maybe he was trying to keep a low profile too. i didn't say anything and just kept my hood up. to him, i was just supposed to be a normal person. but, that didnt fly with him. "why the hell are you following me?" marcus said as he turned around and looked at me. i wasn't expecting it so i froze. he seemed to freeze too. i guess he didn't think it'd be me.

"kennedy?" he asked, not seeming to believe his eyes. "yeah." i replied while lowering my hood. "why are you here? i'm not coming back." he said coming closer to me. "that's only part of the reason why i'm here." i then replied as i looked up to him. "well what do you want then?"marcus said confused. he stood right over me, this is the closest we've been without touching. i don't know what i wanted. i don't know why i followed him. did i just miss him? why couldn't i just say that? well, i was the one who told him no. maybe that's the reason this is all my fault.

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