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"kennedy, open the door!" a voice called behind my door. i had been asleep, just like everyone else was at 2am. "jesus christ, kennedy, wake up!" the voice called once more, a bit louder this time. i blinked hard as i started to wake up. a yawn escaped my mouth as i started to stand and make my way towards my door. when i opened my door, i saw a body that matched the voice, billy. his eyes looked swollen, as if he was punched in the face. in reality, he had just been crying. i wonder why.

then slightly to his left, was marcus. i directed my attention to him, waiting for him to look back at me. but he didn't? usually he'd be smiling in my face, but now he won't even look at me? "kennedy, we need to go to vegas." billy blurted out while eyes were still directed towards marcus.

"okay...wait, vegas?" i snapped out of the daze marcus had put me in, and looked over to billy with wide eyes. "yeah, i gotta...i gotta take care of something." billy said, being terribly vague. "it can't wait till morning?" i asked. "no, just pack your bags so we can go. willie's waiting in the van." billy said before walking off, leaving marcus and i alone.

i looked over to marcus wondering if maybe this time he would look at me. but he didn't. instead, he started to walk away. "hey, wait." i said as i grabbed his hand. his back was turned to me, so i used my hand to turn his face to mine. "what's wrong, marcus?" i asked as i looked to him with eyes of confusion. "you were too drunk to remember." marcus said as he moved my hands off of him and looked at me. when he looked at me, i could tell things were different. his eyes had no life in them, yet it looked like he hated me.

"marcus, what're you talking about?" i asked, i had no clue what was going on and i was still half asleep. "it's whatever, just pack." marcus said before he started to walk off again. "marcus wait! talk to me!" i started to walk after him and tried to grab his arm again but he quickly turned around and pushed me off him. "you broke up with me." he said sternly as he looked down to me.

"no i didn-." i started but he cut me off. "yes you did. for real this time." he said with an undertone of anger in his voice. "marcus, i don't understand." my voice quieter because i was confused and nervous and scared. what happened?

"where's your necklace? huh?" he asked with even more anger in his voice. "i-." i couldn't even speak before he started digging in his pocket. "it's right here." he said as he held out his palm which revealed my necklace. "marcus, like you said, i was drunk, i didn't mean any of it." i said trying defend myself. "oh, that's convenient. you try to kiss me and then you break up with me." marcus said as he shook his head. "marcus, i don't even remember that." i said as i sort of threw my hands up. i was feeling defeated. 

"well i do." his voice started to break as he looked to me. "and it was only a few hours ago so it's still pretty fresh." he said as he kept eye contact. i could literally feel the anger radiating off of him. i barely knew what to say. "marcus, i'm sorry-." he cut me off once again. "start packing. we'll be outside." he said before he started walking away. i didn't stop him this time because i didn't even know what i would say.

i walked back into my dorm and slammed the door as a million thoughts were rushing through my mind. how did i get so drunk? what did lex give me? when did i try to kiss amicus? why did i break up with him? why does he have my necklace? why is he so angry with me? just so many questions and no answers.

i decided i should probably start packing. i didn't have many fancy clothes that would fit the vegas attire, but i tried my best. a few pairs of jeans, some tank tops, and my boots. then i thought again, i had to have something else, right? i started to scavenge through my closet and i found something that tore a hole in my chest. the dress i wore to the dance with marcus. i didn't know if i should take it or not, but you only live once, right?

i stuffed the dress into my suitcase and quickly got dressed into the clothes i always wear. i grabbed my walkman, my headphones, and was out the door in a few minutes. i was trying my best to stay quiet since it was 2 in the morning, and most people were still asleep. i felt like a super spy as i was trying to avoid the monks at all costs. but thankfully, i was able to get to the car without running into any hits to the back from the monks' staffs.

when i reached the van, saya was leaning on the hood, maria was in the back seat next to billy, marcus had his headphones on and was leaning on one of the doors as he slightly bopped his head along to whatever song he was listening to, and willie was stuffing everyone's bags into the trunk.

"hey, gimme your bag. i gotta sit back here so im trying my best to figure out how to get these all in here." willie said as he motioned for me to pass him by suitcase, which i did. i then made my way over to saya and leaned on the hood beside her. "hey, are you okay? marcus looked super pissed when he came out here." saya asked. i looked over to marcus, to see him still gently bopping along to the music, i wonder what he was listening to.

"i got drunk, like, stupid drunk, and apparently i broke up with him. like 'for real'". i said, putting air quotes around "for real". "i gave him my necklace and everything. i don't even remember it. he's just so mad at me, saya." i said as i looked to the ground and started kicking around the little pebbles that surrounded my boots. "just let him cool off, then talk to him. marcus loves you, i don't think anything will change that." saya said, putting her hand on my shoulder. i smiled as i looked to her but then i felt the car shake.

i turned behind me to see willie looking accomplished. "hell yeah! i got that set in there!" he said, referring to the suitcases in the back of the trunk. "alright, everybody in, we're going to vegas!" willie said. he seemed more excited than everyone else. we all dragged ourselves into the car. willie in the trunk, maria, billy, and marcus in the backseat, saya driving, and me in the passenger seat. 

i took a brief look in the rearview mirror before putting my headphones on, and i saw marcus looking at me. once he saw me looking, he quickly looked away, but i couldn't help but smile a little. maybe saya was right. he just needed to calm down and then we could make progress.

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