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it's finally saturday. the day of the party. some people said that there would be drugs and alcohol at the party which, of course, made more people wanna come. i mean, anything for weed and booze, right?

i decided to go to the party with maria and saya. since the boys were also going together, i'd meet up with marcus there. i pulled on a pair of skinny black jeans and a baggy grey sweatshirt. i put my hair up in a ponytail which, inevitably, had a few strands hanging out. the things i'd do for a perfect ponytail. anyways, i put on some makeup, but not too much since i wasn't sure what'd i'd be getting myself into. once i finished getting ready, i walked outside and saw maria and saya waiting for me.

once we got to the party, we noticed willie, billy, lex, and almost half the school were there too. shabnam's house was pretty big. he had a big chandelier at the entrance, a windy staircase, and numerous rooms that were filled with our classmates. to my left, i heard willie talk to a crowd of people about something. in the same room, lex was jumping up and down on the couch with a bottle in one hand and a cigarette in the other. i assumed the bottle was filled with some funny tasting liquid that made lex act the way he always does.

straight ahead, i saw that billy was in the kitchen looking like he was cooking up some type of concoction. my shoulders bent as i squeezed through the crowd of people standing in my way of getting to billy. when i reached him, i saw a large bowl surrounded by numbers empty bottles of all different kinds of alcohols. "y'know you're not supposed to mix clear and dark, right?" i said as i leaned on the counter and looked at billy. "these people don't care, man. they just wanna party hard." billy said with a shrug as he continued pouring various kinds of alcohol into the bowl.

"and that they will." i said as i looked out to the house full of people. the thing was, i didn't see marcus anyway. "hey, is marcus still here?" i asked as i turned back to billy, "uh yeah he's, somewhere." billy said as he waved his hand around, almost swatting me away. "um, where did you see him last?" i asked, trying to get a straight answer out of him. "basement. pretty sure he was drinking." he said as if he knew the words would cause me disappointment. i don't have a problem with marcus drinking, it's just when he does, things get pretty bad. 

i sighed and made my way to the basement, which was unexpectedly huge. there were pool tables, countless amounts of red solo cups and drunk guys. how was i supposed to find marcus? i walked up to one person who looked way too old to be at this party. i mean, scruffy beard, tall, beer belly; definitely not a teenager.

"excuse me? have you seen a guy with curly hair and a cut on his nose? it's like right here?" i asked him as i rubbed my pointer finger over the bridge of his nose. "skinny kid? sorta looks sleep deprived?" the man asked as he held a bottle of beer in his hand. "yeah, have you seen him?" i asked while looking up to the man. "that one? over there?" he asked as he pointed to one of the couches in the basement.

and there he was. dozed off, eyes red, and a red solo cup in his hand. he sat on the couch, hunched over and his feet up on the table in front of him. "yeah, thanks." i said as i walked over to marcus. he seemed to be falling asleep, almost, but awoke when i came over.  

"hey." i said softly as i sat down beside him and gently took the drink from his hand. "wait, no, that's mine." he said with a drag in his voice as he tried to grab it from me. "uh, no. think you had enough, tonight." i said while using my hand to push him back and keeping the drink far from his reach. he rolled his reddened eyes at me, and groaned as he got up and walked away. "wait!" i said as i put the cup down and tried followed him. 

key word: tried. marcus seemed frustrated again and he stomped up the stairs. he furiously walked through the halls of the house and i could barely keep up with him. when he passed the kitchen, i was still following but billy caught my attention. "dude?? the hell is he doing?" billy asked while sort of throwing his hands up. "i don't know." i said with a sigh. billy then walked over to me and put his arm around me. 

"here, have a drink." he said as we reached the counter and handed me a bottle of yellowish-brown liquid in it. "a drink is the last thing i want right now." i said declining his offer, and pulling myself up onto the counter. my feet dangled off the sides and i thought about marcus. maybe i should just wait a little bit and then he'll have calmed down. "do you think i should put lemons in this?" billy asked as he looked to me with a look of contemplation on his face. i looked down to the discolored liquid. i looked back up to billy and was almost shocked he really believed lemons could make that taste any better. "i think the best you could do is ice cubes." i said with a scoff, causing billy to playfully jab my in the leg.

it had been about 10 minutes, and i figured i could go look for marcus now. i hopped down from the counter and started looking around the house. i found him sitting alone in a corner, drinking again, and his earbuds connected to his walkman. he looked up to me with eyes of sadness as i stood over him. as i sat down in front of him, his eyes followed me to the floor. i took the drink away from him once more, but this time he didn't retaliate and just let me take it. 

he then gave me one of his earbuds, and i put it in my ear. he had a cassette tape with all the newest songs of the year playing; how he had gotten them already was a complete mystery to me. when i placed the earbud in my ear, 'back to the old house' by the smiths was playing. 

🎶and you never knew how much i really liked you, because i never even told you, oh and i meant to🎶

i sort of smiled. i don't know why, but i just think it's funny. i mean, marcus doesn't strike you as a smiths listener, does he? i then took out the earbud and stood up. i put out my hand and then i helped marcus up. i pulled him away from the party and took him into a separate room so i could talk to him. 

"hey, what's going on?" i asked as i stood in front of him. "nothing." he said while leaning himself against a table. i walked closer to him and looked him straight in the eyes. "you can't lie to me marcus. i know somethings up. why can't you tell me?" i asked with my arms crossed. "it's not that i can't it's just-." he paused, a look of hesitation appearing on his face. 

"it's just what?!" i asked sort of annoyed, which i regretted soon after. "marcus i don't want us to keep secrets from each other." i said calming down a bit and breaking eye contact. he stayed quiet, but used the tip of his finger to lift my chin to him. the eye contact was remade. 

god, how comforting his eyes were. but at the same time, they were cold and manipulative. what was he hiding? and why did i want to know so bad? the tension between us grew louder and louder, and he started to bend down into a kiss. i did the same, but realized he had paused. his head didn't move, but his eyes were fixated on a different room. his hand dropped and so did his head,

i turned around to see what had caused his sudden mood change. it was willie. i has heard him talking before, but what id din't realize was what exactly he was saying. he was bragging to a crowd of people of how he killed someone for lin's assignment. he decided it was a good idea to get graphic and explain everything that went down as if he was the one who did it. but he wasn't. marcus was. 

i looked back to marcus and saw her was clearly pissed off. "make him shut up, kennedy. please." he said through clenched teeth. "hey, calm down. it's alright." i said as i cupped his cheeks in my hands. he looked at the ground, at the ceiling, just not at me. his fists then clenched, and he pushed away from the table and started walking away.

i followed him, but realized he was making his way to willie. "all day long, hearing you brag..." he said as he walked through the crowd of people to willie. "well why don't you SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he said once he reached willie and gripped him up. as much anger as marcus has, he never does anything like that. he never shows it, and that's why he's all of a sudden so pissed off. 

(sry this is lowk kinda cringy but i like it at the same time)

hurt // marcus lopez x ocDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu