25 ∞ Donations and The Asking

121 23 0

Day 00005 Mission Nilex

Lina's head popped in as she clung to the doorway. Her black hair framed her face, freed without her Laaj.

"Is it true?" she asked in a bubbly voice. "Has Ahmid decided to make the Captain an honorary employee?"

Ayla kept her face neutral. "It seems so, if you've heard about it. Although I wasn't consulted."

"What do you mean, if I've heard about it?"

"I thought Ahmid might have been joking when he said it. He didn't consult with me—he said he'd decided that instant."

"Well," Lina dropped the corners of her mouth in sympathy, "it was Adnad who told me it was official. So it must be happening. Odd that Ahmid didn't consult you beforehand... But he's First Leader, and it's within his authority."

"Still, it would have been nice of him to discuss what was in his mind."

"Look on the bright side," said Lina, lighting up. "I think the Captain has fine DNA. We could definitely use the genes."

Ayla grimaced at that. "Just like you, Lina. Is that the only thing on your mind?"

Lina's expression grew wicked. "If the Captain is willing to donate, I'll gladly accept."

"Remember yourself. What would your promised think?"

Lina dropped her smile at Ayla's stern look. "We are promised, not married yet. Besides, our gene pool is way too small for comfort, you know this. Not to mention, our numbers too few. There's sure to be casualties on our new home. We're going to need babies, lots of them."

Ayla knew Lina was right, but it still didn't sit well with her. Nilex hadn't had children in a long time, not since she was a child herself, not since it was decided that they were going to another star system. She wondered what it was going to be like, having children running around. This thought brought her back to the Captain and Lina's comments.

"The Captain is a stranger to our ways, Lina. He will not understand. Besides, as far as I can tell, he's separated himself from Humanity for a very long time."

"How long?"

"All I know is that the Tree in the Garden is 130 years old, and the Garden was created sometime after the Great War he spoke of."

"He can't be that old!"

Ayla had to laugh at Lina's expression. "You're not accounting for cold sleep, Lina. His age is not the same as this ship's time."

Then a thought struck her. If the Tree was over a century old, what about the time dilation of FTL? The war the Captain spoke of happened centuries ago.

"Well," Lina broke into her thoughts, "if you get the chance, ask him for me?"

Ayla smiled. "I will if I get the chance, but I can't promise I'll get an answer."

"Fair enough, I guess... How about you, Ayla? Do you want children?"

"I'll be too busy for children. I have a planet to populate with vegetation, as well as keeping you all fed. Besides, you're my child, Lina. You're work enough," Ayla answered with a scolding voice.

Lina smirked at the insult Ayla had thrown at her. "You know children will be a priority. Do you have a preference in your promised? Have you spoken with Ahmid about it?"

"I honestly have no preference, Lina. I don't see our men as more than brothers, really. And no, Ahmid hasn't spoken to me about the subject since I told him the same thing I just told you. At least Ahmid won't make the choice for me, so for that I'm grateful. Now quit being nosey, I have work to do."

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