33 ∞ Setting Sails

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Day 00007 Mission Nilex

Gareth found himself still unsettled by all he'd learned when he awoke the next morning. He dressed in his gray ship clothes and, as he headed for the door, he glanced at the wall monitor and paused. It showed an ancient sailing ship, all sails unfurled, breaking waves. The view of the ship was from the side this time, and it sailed under clear skies and sunshine. But ahead, on the distant horizon, a large storm cell of clouds loomed. They piled up high and shone from the sunshine striking the clouds from above, while underneath, it was dark and rainy with clouds glowing gray from the lightning within.

He continued to the break room and made himself a cup of tea, and sat down.

«Report, Canaisis.»

«All systems green, Captain. Engines' performance meeting my expectations. I've gathered images of the three ships under observation. There are various shuttles gathering into orbit around Maar that I'm also monitoring.

«Our guests are up and performing their tasks. Ahmid inquired as to when you'd be awake. Shall I inform him?»

«No. I'm not in the mood to deal with anyone.»

Gareth took a sip of his tea, then changed his mind on an impatient impulse and stood up. He poured the remainder away and strode to the Bridge.

«Bring up our course again, Canaisis,» he thought as he stepped through the door.

The forward monitor lit up as he sat down, and he studied the map, deliberating. He tried to lay out all the information he had and fit the various pieces together like a puzzle. Nothing seemed wrong on the surface, but the pieces didn't fit together the way he thought they should. He wasn't seeing the whole picture.

Eventually, his mind turned to Ayla. He pictured her hazel eyes when she looked at him. And the wisps of black hair that escaped from under her head wrap, curly or straight, he couldn't tell. Oddly, he could still feel the softness of her skin against his.

Her words came back to him without bidding, "I hear you, and I carry your burden with you."

His brow furrowed. What did that mean? They were simple words, but... what did it mean coming from her? He was used to people's strangeness, different cultures, different customs. Understanding was key to not making social mistakes, but when she'd spoken those simple words, he'd felt she meant something deeper. Much deeper.

He replayed the scene in his mind as the Pleiades cluster rotated before him. Composed of mostly middle-aged, hot B-type stars, they seemed to be regarding him.

Ayla had looked him in the eyes—she'd been motionless, calm of voice and body, he recalled. She'd seemed to be hurting for him... Not from his words, but from what was within him. But what was within him had long gone, so why should she care, or even sense anything?

Gareth reviewed his actions and feelings when he'd told her about the acorns. He was sure he hadn't displayed any emotion. He shouldn't have, that pain had faded to background noise, to nothing... long ago. This was something more than just a false display of empathy towards another's hurt. But like all the other puzzle pieces, things didn't fit together right.

Frustrated at the lack of answers, he decided action was needed.

«Canaisis, let's begin setting sail. Let's keep the engines lit up for display purposes, but prepare for minimal thrust. I want Earth to think we're still under fusion drive so they won't be watching too closely.»

«Aye, Captain.»

"Give me ship-wide hail," he said aloud. A different boatswain whistle sounded throughout the ship, and he leaned over to the left arm of his chair.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One: The Last Living Ship ∞ 1: A New MissionWhere stories live. Discover now