41 ∞ Through Her Eyes

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Day 00007 Mission Nilex

Ayla recognized the voice at once. "Canaisis?"

A gentle smile graced the woman's lips. "Yes, Ayla, it's me."

"What's happening, Canaisis?" Ayla gestured with both hands. "What is this place? Why am I here?"

"Your people's Gift, Ayla. You're doing this."

Ayla turned to look around. The ashen twilight appeared darker now. She could only see as far as her helmet cast its glare. "This is a memory?"

"Yes, Ayla."

She automatically dimmed her lights before returning to the semi-etheric woman that was Canaisis' avatar. "This is the Captain's memory—I remember that. But this has never happened to me before. I've never been so overwhelmed by a memory before. What's happening to me?"

Canaisis dropped her smile, contracting her brows in sadness. "You are dying, Ayla," she said softly.

Ayla stared at her. "I'm what?"

"You're dying. You need to make your Gift stop."

"But I can't make it stop. That's not how it works—I've never been able to stop it until it ends." Ayla stepped back, shaking her head. She couldn't understand it.

"Ayla, your Gift uses empathy and quantum entanglement. I don't completely understand how it functions yet, but I do know a few things."

Ayla brought her attention back to Canaisis. "I just wanted to understand Gareth's pain. I want to help him—how can this be happening? I've seen memories before, but I always knew who I was. This time, I'm living them and losing myself. What's going on?"

"As I said, I don't completely understand how your Gift works. What I do know is that it functions on a quantum level, and that may be the problem."

Without thinking, Ayla found herself taking a step towards Canaisis, and flung her arms out. "How is that a problem? It's never been one before."

"Because my entire system is based on quantum entanglement, Ayla."

Ayla took stock of her memories, and a realization struck her. "You're the voice I heard in the darkness!"

Canaisis nodded with an expression of compassion. "Yes, Ayla. I've been trying to help you."

"And the memories you gave me? What about those?"

"You needed to see a better side of my Captain. You need to know... to understand him... You need to know more than this." Canaisis swept her arm to include the ruins around them.

"But why is this happening, Canaisis?"

Ghostly hair flowed around Canaisis' face as she held Ayla's gaze. "My system is built upon the principle of quantum entanglement, Ayla. A long time ago, the Captain suffered serious injury—he barely survived. The medical nanos of my creators were barely enough, and his death is something I cannot contemplate. So I had to do something to ensure he wouldn't die. It took me a great effort, but I designed medical nanos that were significantly improved, even the Captain doesn't know how much. Remember the bone induction device the Captain used to communicate with me? Behind your ear?"

Ayla nodded.

"I told him, I'd designed medical nanos that would allow us to share thoughts. All he knows is that they're a complement to what he already has. What you have to understand is that those nanos operate upon the principle of quantum entanglement. Remember, Ayla, the Captain has experienced a very long life, and also experienced very great pain."

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One: The Last Living Ship ∞ 1: A New MissionWhere stories live. Discover now