28 ∞ Keeping a Secret

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Day 00006 Mission Nilex

Ayla found both Lina and Nura waiting for her when she reached her lab first thing the next morning.

"Why are you here?"

Lina spoke up first. "Ahmid spoke to us and said our duty is to assist you for the next few days. He wouldn't tell us why." She made a small pout while Nura remained quiet.

Ayla passed them, retrieved her carry-all from under a bench, and handed it to Lina.

"I want DNA and gene tests on everything labeled Scarlet Oak. Nura, you start preparing tests on everything else. After First Meal, maybe I'll tell you why I need you two."

Nura raised an eyebrow, and Lina's face took on a look of mock hurt.

"Now, let's go eat our meal," said Ayla as she pulled the cloth sack from under the bench.

The two women eyed the sack and smiles grew upon their faces.

"She brought more of that fruit!" Lina said.

It was Ayla's turn to raise an eyebrow at them. "Wrong," she said over her shoulder as she turned to leave with the sack in hand.

She passed the aquarium tanks on her way to the Commons area and found the mats laid out. Ahmid already sat conversing with one of the others. This was a Nilex member Ayla didn't talk to much. He usually went on the long mining missions.

Ahmid turned to her as soon as he noticed her. "How many cases would you like, Ayla? I'm having Tahsin fetch them for you."

"I would like twelve specimen cases suitable for biological storage, please."

Ahmid and Tahsin both nodded.

"After First Meal, Second Leader," responded Tahsin.

She dipped her head in appreciation. "There's a cargo plate sitting outside. Just set them on that."

"Cargo plate?" Tahsin looked confused.

"Yes, it's the tray sitting on the floor outside the airlock."

Again, Tahsin nodded.

The rest of the Nilex members arrived and sat down while two of them brought bowls of food, two on each arm. They passed them out and went to get more. One member was missing, the mat empty. There was always someone keeping watch for the Captain. He might not be a Citizen, but he held the power of life and death over them all. Nilex had learned to be wary, and it was something not easily dismissed.

Ayla kept the cloth sack beside her as they ate the aquatic greens that made up their daily fare. When the meal was over, she handed one of the orange fruit to Ahmid. Keeping one behind, she tossed the remaining six to every other member. Those without leaned over to look closer at the fruit their neighbor curiously turned between their hands.

Ayla peeled the last one, dropping the peel into the bowl before her. The others just watched until she demonstrated how to break the fruit in half. Taking a section slice, she handed it to Adnad and then handed him another. Adnad passed the first slice to the next person, and so the fruit was distributed around the circle. Ahmid had caught on quickly and mimicked Ayla peeling the fruit. All eyes were on Ayla as she placed a fruit slice into her mouth, she smiled at them as she enjoyed the flavor. Others followed her actions and looks of amazement formed on everyone's faces.

Ahmid was the first to speak, "This too is from the Garden?"

"Yes, the Garden is truly a bounty of life."

"Will the Captain let us see this Garden, do you think?"

"Yes, Ahmid. After I complete my task of measurements, tests, and taking samples. I want to be sure of my results without the risk of Human contamination."

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One: The Last Living Ship ∞ 1: A New MissionWhere stories live. Discover now