Enemy From The Past

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After giving the twins ; Agent Julie and Agent Junie , the lists , a sudden huge explosion shocked them .

" What's going on ? " asked Ying .

" Are we under attack? " added Yaya anxiously .

" There's only one thing to do . We need to check it out ! " answered Agent Julie seriously .

" Then , what are we waiting for ? Let's go ! " Boboiboy said , leading the twins and his friends to the place where they heard the explosion came from . There , they saw a few agents are hurt because of the impact caused by the explosion . The twins helped them quickly by bringing the sick and injured ones to somewhere save . Captain Papa , Amato , Mechabot and Maskmana arrived just in time .

" Surrender all of the Power Spheres if you want to live . " threatened the villain from inside a huge battle suit .

" Who are you ?! " asked Maskmana while getting into his fighting stance .

The villain removed his suit and Boboiboy's gang immediately recognised the unwanted villain .

" Ejo Jo ! " shouted them , surprised . Maskmana , Amato , Mechabot and a few agents exchanged a confused look . How did they know him ?

Hearing the familiar voices , Ejo Jo turned to see the gang . He smiled wickedly .

" We meet again , Boboiboy . " said Ejo Jo while looking
at Boboiboy . He smirked when he saw the team and Ochobot are there too .

" Ah ! All of you are here . What a pleasant surprise ! " he said mockingly . Fang didn't waste any chance and asked him a question .

" Why did you come here ?! " he asked while getting ready to attack him .

" To capture all of the Power Spheres . And since you busybodies are here , might as well capture Ochobot and take your power watches as well . Just like before . " he smirked at Boboiboy . The sentence just like before made the higher ups even more confused .

" Over my dead body ! " Boboiboy said while moving in front of Ochobot in order to protect him .

" Huh ! Not a problem . This is the latest battle suit armour . Presenting , Laser And Kinetic Suit Armour ,  a.k.a ! L.A.K.S.A ! " announced Ejo Jo proudly .

Some of the agents laughed . Mechabot and Papa Zola can't hold their laughter . They soon joined the agents with all of the laughing . Even Gopal and Fang are laughing as well . Yaya , Ying , Ochobot and Boboiboy just giggle together . Amato himself cracked a little smile . Seeing almost everyone is laughing , Ejo Jo became worried .

" Why...why are you laughing ?! " he demanded angrily , only to be answered by Gopal .

" Hahahaha , you call your ' so-called-latest ' armour as Laksa ? Hahaha ! " laughed Gopal while hitting Fang's shoulder a little too hard , earning a sharp glare from the shadow manipulator .

" Hahaha ! Justice , never thought that laksa can destroy a space station . Laksa is a food that we supposed to eat ! Not a battle suit ! Hahaha ! " said our only Captain Of Justice , Papa Zola .

The statements caused others to laugh louder . Ejo Jo becomes angrier by every second .

" Shut up ! " Ejo Jo fired a laser to a few agents . They didn't have any time to react or save themselves . The agents just closed their eyes waiting for the laser to hit them . Surprisingly , it didn't hit or injure any of them !

They opened their eyes , witnessing a giant earth barrier in front of them . They saw the elemental manipulator has transformed into his earth elemental .  All of the joyful laughter was gone , giving space for the intense atmosphere to take over .

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