Chapter 6 - Burble

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Burble verb

                       To speak in an excited manner.

Sapnap POV

I quickly change and walk out of the changing room with Dream at toe as we have just finished the last practice before the game tomorrow. 

"I can't believe that you invited George to the game." I say trying to start up a conversation. 

"And I can't believe the 'coincidence' of Karl coming too." Dream teased.

"It's not a coincidence he is coming. George just wanted someone to go with." I try to explain. "Plus Quackity is coming too."

"Sure." Was all Dream said while adding one of his signature smirks to the end like he knows everything or something. 

I roll my eyes and push him to the side a little bit as we go down to the sidewalk. 

I don't understand why he has to be so cocky and misdirect with everything he says, like he trying to play tricks on my mind or something.

"What's going on between you and George anyways dude." I question. "You never invite people to games." 

I never thought about it before but he was the one that invited George and I don't even remember the last time he has ever invited anyone to watch his games, saying that if he knows people that were in the audience he would crack under pressure. Even though his mom and sister came a lot, kind of a phony excuse to me if I had to be honest.

"Nothing, we were just talking and asked if he wanted to come and he said sure." Dream claims like it's just a normal thing but really, this wasn't a normal thing. At least not that I can remember.

"Okay but you never invite anyone." I argue.

It was Dream's turn to roll his eyes at me. "Just because I invite someone doesn't mean anything idiot alright." 

So he is closed off about the whole George situation, good to know. 

Dream never kept things from me but lately I have been noticing a shift in behaviour and the only thing that has changed is that I have been hearing about George more often than before in the last couple of weeks. Hell I'm taking to the guy finally, he told me not to before because of the amount of cringe stories I have of him from when we were younger. 

Another thing that I don't get about Dream is his obsession with love. Sure he won't talk much about it and if he is in love because he always says no but ever since I have met Karl he has been telling me what love was and accusing that I was possibly in it which is insane. 

Call me a Debby downer, a scrooge, whatever, it just seems too good to be true. Sure I've fooled around with some girls in my time here and there but there were never stings attached. It just felt good and they were down for it too.

"George is coming cause I want him to. I don't see him much with online school and whatnot so I wanted to spend some time with him." Dream finally admits not moving his eyes from in front of us. 

"I get it." Because what can you say. I know their story for the most part and I would miss a long time friend like that too, hell I kind of do since Dream left school. 

"Okay see you tomorrow and bring your game face." He says when we make it to the split suddenly joyful again like he just remembered something amazing. 

"Of course! See ya." I wave him off as he turns down to his street and I turn down mine.

It wasn't long till I made it back home quite happy to be done with the day and just sleep. 

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