Chapter 18 ~ Predilection

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Predilection noun

A preference or special liking for something; a bias in favor of something.

George pov

"Thanks for having me over Ms. Jacobs." I say as I hull my backpack over my shoulder and open the front door. 

"You are always welcome George." She says back with a smile before leaving back into her art room only leaving Karl and I in the foyer. 

"Let's go shall we?" He asks leading me out to his car and hopping in the drivers while I go to the passengers door. He is always adamant on driving me home due to it being pitch black. It was nice but not necessary. I always used to walk home in the dark after being at his house all the time before he got his licence.

He puts on a random radio station to hum out the silence of the evening as we think about what happened as we roll down the street. 

I knew Karl liked him, it was obvious to anyone that would see the two together, but I wasn't expecting him to actually admit to it. Not that I'm mad, it makes it easier if anything to have a definite answer.

I just wonder when he will actually consider the idea of Sapnap liking him as well as I have been trying to get him to see the way Sapanp acts around him. Karl just says 'it's normal behaviour' or 'you're just looking too far into it' which I am not. 

Dream told me himself that Sapnap admitted it to him but neither of them are budging, it is frustrating and they are such pussies when it comes to things like this. Honestly though, a part of me can't blame them as I'm pretty tongue-tied myself when it comes to asking someone out but my god I hope I'm not as dense as them.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Karl inquires with the same bubbly enthusiasm he has had all day. If there was one thing that I was completely sure of, is that no matter what had happened or does happen. Karl will always stay that bubbly idiot that he seems destined to be. 

"About what an idiot you are to be so dense." I tease with a huff making him laugh. 

"I'm not dense Gogy, you are just trying to see the good in everything when everything isn't a fairytale, no matter how much we want it to be." Karl explains which makes my eyes roll out of my scull. 

"You are the king of fairytale endings, sunshine and rainbows, why are you being so against it now?" I question, looking over at his reaction because even though he is driving, this will help him take me somewhat seriously since no one seems to. 

"Just." He takes a moment to think about his answer as he rolls into my driveway and parks before looking back at me. "It's unrealistic, I don't want to get my hopes up." He explains and I quickly feel some pity for him before shaking it away as he says. "Plus he is straight."

My eyes go blown at that comment. "You're telling me that Sapnap is straight?" I question his absurdity but all he does is nod I burst out in laughter. "You have no gaydar do you? Just think about it and get back to me because you are severely blind." 

I open the car door and hop out grabbing the bag from the floor and look back up at him as he tries to come up with some sort of comeback. 

"Well at least I can see colours." He says, wow so original. 

"At least I can see the rainbow in people nimrod." I say closing the door and heading up to my front door unlocking and opening it. Turning around to stick my tongue out at him to show I didn't mean any harm before walking into the house.  

I take off my shoes and walk up to my room shaking my head at Karl's thought process behind the whole ordeal. I sneak into my room and close the door quietly, not wanting to bother either of my parents as I am honestly just not in the mood to bother with them, rather have something more pressing to deal with.

I chuck my backpack into the corner of my room and dive onto my computer, unlocking it and opening up discord. As it loads I put my headset on and twiddle on my phone, checking for notifications that I missed while being with Karl. Not finding anything too demanding I go back onto discord and go straight to DMs. 

Can u call? 
I got Karlnap news..... 


Not a second later the distinct sound of the discord ringer flows through my headset and I answer the call hearing a rustle on the other end until an all so familiar voice comes online. 

"Sooo." He drags it out. "I'm guessing Karl said something when you guys went back to his house." 

I chuckle. "I mean, you can say we didn't get much work done, but the stars looked great." 

"Mmm, make out session on the roof I see. I guess the Karlnap operation is off then?" He teases and I can hear his cheesy smirk though the microphone which brings me back to the days when we only knew each other online and I had to guess what it looked like instead of knowing like I do now.

"Oh shut it." I whisper yell as to not wake up my parents. "Karl confessed." 

"Ouu when is your guys' first date?" Dream continues his teasing manners. "You know I always thought we might end up together but you and Karl, I can see it I can see it." 

I fall back into my seat and audibly sigh loud enough to go through the microphone, hearing Dream giggle in response. 

"Fuck you." I say frustrated by the teasing and just want to get onto the right topic of discussion. 

"Gladly." Dream snides. 

"Okay I'm done with you. Your blocked until further notice. Remember last time? How long did that last? Two, three weeks?" 

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry, its just funny alright." Dream apologises while laughing. "What were you gonna say?"

"Well, what I was going to say before you turned into an absolute idiot was that Karl told me that he does love Sapnap." He pauses. "However..." 

"What? Is he too shy? He has to know by now that Sap likes him?" Dream inquires. 

"That's the issue... the thinks Sapnap is straight. Crazy right?" I say but Dream doesn't speak, only hums in agreement in return letting me continue. "So yes, operation Karlnap goes full steam ahead, I just need them to not be so dense." 

"At least we got a plan for that."

"I know, I just hope it works."

1132 Words

Wasn't expecting a George pov in this one huh? Also a short one at that. Anyways I actually had loads of fun with this one, very excited for the next three chapters. Longer ones of course :)

Art by miyaq56 on twitter

~Potatomask <3

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