Chapter 15 ~ Epiphany

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Epiphany noun

A moment of sudden and great revaluation or realisation

Trigger Warning: Underage drinking, mentions of underage smoking

Karl pov

Sapnap sat down right beside me as I did before him and I can't help but laugh at the way he flops down like his legs buckled from underneath him. Quackity sits on my other side with Wilbur on his right. Looking for George, it doesn't take too long before I see him seated beside Dream who is sandwiched between him and Sapnap. 

It's cute really, how our group stays together even now when we are in a circle filled with other friends and mutuals. The smell of alcohol is strong in the basement with the sent of weed around the air as well, but when I feel Sapnap subconsciously scoot closer to me my worry eases.

"So, who wants to get started with the game?" Wilbur questions as he looks around the circle. 

"I'll go." Foolish volunteers as he looks around at all of us. There were maybe around 15 of us all sitting on the plush carpet with cups or cans in our hands, some drunk, others high, barely any sober, but it was a cosy enough environment for an ending for the party. "Dream, truth or dare." 

"Truth." He answers simply, both not knowing what drunk people would dare as well as not wanting to get up at this time when he just sat down. "Lets start this out easy." 

"Pussy." Sapnap quickly buts in as he nudges him with his shoulder, childish. 

"It's fine, I've been wanting to ask you something anyways. Why did you leave school?" Foolish questions, leaning forward to hear the answer. I couldn't help but listen too as I was curious as well. Freshman year he was at school, he was in my English and Maths class but after that it was like poof, he didn't exist. I thought he might of moved away but obviously not.

"Didn't have any classes that I liked. I'm more into technology and things with coding which the school didn't have. It was just too boring for me." He answers honestly before turning to another person. "Tina, truth or dare." 

And so the game was on with people confessing to unbelievable things or doing unspeakable tomfoolery, having close to no filter as many people didn't have any worries of what was being said or done. It led to some hilarious moments that's for sure. 

"Hm, alright." Hannah says thinking. "Punz I dare you to lick Foolish's bicep." 

Everyone burst out into laughter at the random request but Punz didn't hesitate to do the dare making Foolish wheeze at the feeling, sounding like someone cleaning a window which made everyone cackle even more.

The game continues as more alcohol is consumed people more willing to answer dumb questions leading us into a game of 'never have I ever' where every time you have done whatever was said, you take a sip of your drink. 

Some people were calm with their questions saying 'never have I ever skipped school' surprised that I had to actually take a sip at that one due to recent events, and 'never have I ever cheated on a test or exam' which was surprising how many people actually drank but it didn't get too interesting till the questioner came around to Quackity. 

"Never have I ever done more than make out with someone." Quackity slurs his words as he eagerly looked around the circle, seeing most people drink. The only ones not being me, Quackity, Tina, Niki, and Dream. It was an odd group of people and I don't know if I am more confused that Dream hasn't or that Sapnap has. Let alone George drinking, although it was probably when he was drunk at a party once since he never recalled him ever mentioning it so it probably didn't mean much. It is safe to say we are going to have a talk when he sobers up either way.

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