1. The Support Group - Part 1

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[Hin, I found something.]

[You sent me the video of the bunny attacking the snake last week.]

[It's not that. But I can send that to you again if you want.]

[Three times is enough.]

[Brave little guy.]

[More like a WWE wannabe. That snake was on the run and he just kept dragging it back.]

[He was making sure it would never come back. I'd say he had a burrow nearby.]

[I think it got the message.]

[What if it came back with more snakes to attack all together?]

[You think the snake was going to swear vengeance on the backyard bunny, round up its snake mafia cousins and come back to redeem its name?]

[What do you think its snake mafia name would be?]


[Not to scare you, but do you think Jake has a family looking for him? Doe said she domesticated him herself.]

[Doe is five. Pleum got him from a breeder.]

[Smart. Less chance of those wild loyalties kicking in.]

[Aren't you supposed to be in a meeting now?]

[We're waiting outside for the first session to finish. Oh, that reminds me why I messaged you.]


[There's this old magazine with some really funny horoscopes. Yours is spot-on.]

[I'm guessing it doesn't say I'm destined for success and lifelong happiness.]

["You have an inventive mind and are inclined to be progressive."]


["You lie a great deal." I actually disagree with this part. Just this part.]


["You make the same mistakes repeatedly because you're stupid. Everyone thinks you're a fucking jerk."]

[And you agree with that part?]

[When I say you're stupid, you know I don't mean your education.]

[My university should hire you.]

[And everyone *thinks* you're a jerk doesn't mean you are.]

[Pretty sure that's what it means.]

[Jerk, why does being cool always work for you?]

[You should try it.]

[Don't need to. Everyone loves me.]

[What does your shitty horoscope say? Don't lie.]

["You are sympathetic and understanding of other people's problems."]


["Which makes you a sucker."]

[Damn, you didn't even get one line without a backhand.]

["You are always putting things off. That is why you will always be on welfare and won't be worth a shit. Everybody in prison is a Cancer."]1

[Okay I'm good with mine.]

[Joke's on them. I'm not on welfare.]

[Although you are in a prison.]

[800 metres is a decent prison.]

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