Chapter 4: Auditions p2

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I hid my trembling hands behind my back as I stepped onto the stage. "You can do this, trust me" I remember Somi squeezing my hand and telling me this before we had to split up. Even though she was only preforming later, she wasn't allowed to watch the other auditions before mine. I definitely did not trust her at this moment. What if I mess up? What if they don't accept me because I did a Korean song when everyone else did English ones?

I had to put my worries behind me. For now I was recreating Yuna, no, I was Yuna. I was going to channel my inner her into every move, every facial expression, and every word I lip-synced.

I stood in my starting position, not long after the first notes of "In the Morning" by ITZY started playing out of the loud speakers.

(A/N pretend it's in the outfit I showed earlier on and her hair in a high ponytail, Can we take moment to appreciate how amazingly Yuna dances. CREDITS TO ITZY FOR THE VIDEO)

When I finished it was dead silent. Still holding my position I  searched the judges faces. Their expressions unreadable, well except one. Her eyes were wide and her mouth slightly open, clearly surprised. I wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

I stood up and bowed, then walked off the stage. I didn't have time to cry, or be upset. I put my soul in every move but it most likely wasn't enough. I had to hurry to my singing audition. I met Somi backstage, I quickly grabbed my bag from her and ran to the bathroom to change my outfit and left my hair the same.


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I  decided to dress casual as I needed to be comfortable when I sang. I hurried backstage to find Somi there already looking as beautiful as usual. Surprisingly I sing before Somi even though I'm doing two auditions. 

"Yah, you're on in 3 minutes as there is only one person left before you. Hurry up and warm up you're voice!" She said slightly panicked.

I quickly did a few vocal exercises with her and soon enough it was my turn. I walk onto the stage this time my nerves even worse than before. I hardly ever sing in front of anyone. I've only ever sung in front of Somi once. I sit on the chair and adjust the microphone to my height, I'm not exactly the tallest of people being only 163cm. 

(Ok if you are tall just pretend you're short for now)

The opening chords of the song begins to play and I take a deep breathe. Now I it all out. This song is a ballad that my mother loves to hum around the house. It is sorrowful yet full of such strong emotions I can't even explain. The name What About Us is self explanatory. 

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