Chapter 10: the amusement park

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(Someone pls explain what is going on in that pic because it's too much for me)

Chaelee POV

I was actually really excited to go onto the rides. I haven't been to an amusement park since I was about 10 but I still love them. Somi is busy running and jumping around like a little 2 year old.

"Yah Mi calm down, save your energy for the rides" 

"No but I'm so exciteddddd" she squeals 

She then proceeded to what seems attack Felix with a jump/ hug. 


He chuckles in reply.

"Shall we go on the rides, which one do you want to go on first?" He asks

"I  wanna go on the pirate ship" I say, starting to get excited. I point to the ride with not a lot of people in line for a swinging ship.

We head to the line. Felix had to put on a mask and hat to not be recognised. We go on the ride. By the time the ride was finished all three of us were laughing with our cheeks flushed. I started to loosen up and enjoy the evening more.

We went on tons of different rides. Felix had taken his cap off and no one seemed to recognise him so he kept it like that. We finally decided that before eating we should go on the biggest, scariest ride in the park. The line was extremely long but we didn't mind the wait. We are busy waiting in the line sitting on the benches attached to the railing because that's how long we've been waiting now, me in the  middle between Somi and Felix. I could smell a sweet but odd scent in the air but didn't let it bother me.

We were minding our own business laughing and chatting when I felt someone staring at me. There were two lines for the ride and the girl in the line opposite me was staring at me.

(This next part is what actually happened when I went to an amusement park with my friends recently and I was sitting next to my "attractive" guy friend. And no I'm not interested in him but you'll see what happened)

She was sitting on the opposite bench with her friends. Both of them were vaping. That was probably where the smell I had smelt earlier was coming from. She looked me straight in the eye and gave me a "I'm going to murder you look" and then looked at Felix. "Oh so she's jelous?" I think. I just stare back at her and smirk a little as if to say "mmmm no." Because even though Felix and I aren't dating and I don't even like him in that way, who does this bitch thinks she is? Telling me to keep my hands off my own friend because she has eyes on him? I'm not backing down today.

Then she suddenly leans forward and blows her vape smoke full in my face, and it was A LOT. I immediately start coughing. She laughs but it was short lived as it completely vanished when Felix put a hand on my back, gently patting it to help me breathe. 

(Yes a girl actually did that to me and my asthmatic ass died. We eventually moved away from her tho)

"Are you ok?" He asks, shooting the girl a dirty look, also slightly coughing from the smoke. 

"Yah who did that!?" Somi asks now angry. 

Somi is 90% of the time a child. But as soon as it comes to someone she loves or cares about she is very protective and mature. 

"It's fine guys, I'm fine. Let's go the line is moving"

As we started walking, Felix kept his hand on my back. I gave the girl a "well you still lost" look and then walked away.

We got onto the ride. Only to find out we have to sit in pairs. Somi who was still trying to play matchmaker insisted Felix and I sit together and she sat behind us with a girl that was about 17 or so. 

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