Chapter 11: The big announcement

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(A/N: Guys Felixs dark hair on this tour is actually murdering me. Not to mentions Hyunjins blondish pink hair and Jeongins blonde hair as well!!!)

 Chaelee POV

It's been about a week and Somi and I have a adjusted to the life at our school, though we still sometimes get lost. Felix has now joined our duo and now we're a trio. His fans still try to follow us but have now subdued a bit compared to what they were like at first. 

Another good thing as the I've found a new place to hide my knives in my uniform(one in a pouch in my sock and another in a pouch I sewed in my skirt and pants), I still don't feel safe here. There's this idiot named Mitch and from what I can tell he's the guy who thinks he's the best at everything and gets what he wants. Unfortunately he thinks he can 'get me'  as well. He's been trying to flirt with me when Somi and Felix aren't around and even tried showing off. I haven't told them yet though because it'll probably blow over right? 


I was putting my books in my locker waiting for Somi when suddenly someone shuts my locker door from behind me. I turn to see my self alarmingly close to this random guy. Brown hair no real path, watery blue eyes that appear bored and no other attractive features from what I could tell. 

 "I'm excuse me what are you doing?" I say trying to walk past him

 He grabs my shoulder and pulls me back in front of him.

"I'm Mitch, captain of the rugby team and have a scholarship here." He smirks

 "Could you remind me of exactly when I asked to speak with you? No? Me neither, now please can I get to class. " I say

 "Excuse me? Am I that attractive that you're gonna deny my talents?" He says acting confused

 "This guy is not serious" I mentally sigh

 " Who said you were attractive? I'm sorry but I do have a decent type and not to mention standards. So sorry I  don't go for guys who think they can manipulate me. "

 He just looked at me baffled as I the started to walk away. 

 "Just wait and I'll become you're type" he calls after me, weakly trying to regain his confidence

 "Mhm sure" I mumble

*end of flashback*

Ever since then he's been annoying me. I don't think he even knows who my friends are. He just cares that I'm alone so no one can help me.

I sigh as I sit between Felix and Somi lost in thought.

 "Chae whats wrong?" Somi asks

 "Nothing Mi just tired" I say not looking at her

She frowns but doesn't get to say anything as the teacher walks in.

 "Good morning students! Today I have an exciting announcement to make! Every year at the start of the school year our school holds an annual school trip. You will only be going with those in your year as a way for you guys to bond. This year's one was slightly delayed due to new arrivals at the school but fear not it is still going to happen! We will be leaving next week Sunday as it takes a day to get there and return on that week Saturday. From there you will go to your respective homes and return to classes the following Monday."

 " We will be going to a lodge in the nearest mountain area called Moonlight Ridge. We have sent your parents the permission forms already to sign so no reason to stress about that. If you're parents allow you to come the packing list will be emailed to you. "

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