Incorrect Quotes - The sequel

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Georgia: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone.

Florida: Mine just says "Florida no."

Georgia: Please apply that to every situation.


Connecticut: Is anyone else scared?

Massachusetts: Not really, I've already lived longer than I expected.


Vermont: Ok, so I sorta did something and I need your advice. But I don't want a lot of judgment or criticism.

New York: ...And you came to me?


*While at the zoo*

Colorado: What are they in for?

Utah: This isn't a prison.

Oklahoma: So they can leave then?

Utah: No, but-

Florida, pointing at a penguin: I bet that one killed a guy!


*Louisiana walks into the room*

Louisiana: Hey, have you seen Florida?

Georgia: He's doing a thing.

Louisiana: Ok, well where's Texas?

Georgia: Trying to stop Florida from doing the thing.

Louisiana: And Mississippi?

Georgia: Trying to stop Texas from stopping Florida from doing the thing.

Louisiana: Kentucky?

Georgia: Stopping Mississippi from stopping Texas from stopping Florida from doing the thing.

Louisiana: Well what are you doing?

Georgia: Stopping you from stopping Kentucky from stopping Mississippi from stopping Texas from stopping Florida from doing the thing.

Louisiana: Well what is he trying to do?!

Georgia: Eat the TV.


North Carolina: I'm 10 times better and funnier than you!

South Carolina: 10 times 0 is still 0, dummy.


Georgia: Where's Mississippi?
Alabama: She's, uh... busy.
Tennessee: Being an idiot.
Georgia: What kind of idiot?
Tennessee: The 'everything is now on fire' kind.


Massachusetts: If you're really that nice, kill that donkey.
Maine: What? That's not what a nice person would do.
Massachusetts: Do it, loser.
Maine: It's not nice to insult others.
Massachusetts: Did I ever say I was nice?


Washington: I know how to cook, I'm not that incompetent.
Oregon: Tell that to my burnt sandwich.

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