Congratulations ~ 13 Colonies backstory

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Hey there! This is an older thing I wrote so sorry if it's not the greatest.

I have a question for you guys.

So I have a lot of ideas for things to write, but I don't know where to start, so I thought I might ask what you guys would be interested in.

So, is there a particular state you'd be interested in learning some backstory for? I will say that I don't have backstory for all of them. Some of the ones I have the most story for are:

Louisiana, Alaska, Georgia, Mississippi, and obviously California and Texas. I do also have some for Hawaii, New York, Maine, West Virginia, and most of the south, and some others as a result of being in another states backstory. So like, Virginia, the former Mexican states, the former French states, and the original 13 colony states.

Now, that's not to say that I won't give backstory to states I didn't mention here, just figured  I'd let ya know which states would get done the fastest. But yeah, let me know who you'd be interested in reading about.

One other thing  while I have you here. If you're interested in any sort of shipping with these guys, or, the Canadian provinces and territories, then check out my other book where I'm writing oneshots and taking requests. No pressure though, just thought I'd mention it.

Now, without further ado, enjoy!


"What am I supposed to do?!" 13 Colonies followed Britain, panic clear in her voice.

"I'll send some help, they'll settle down, don't worry about it." His pace quickened as he tried to hide his own panic.

"Are you certain?"

"Yes of course I am." With that he walked into a room, firmly closing the door behind him. That left her out in the hallway. She looked up at the wall to see a huge painting. One of her, Britain, and her beloved little brother, USA.

She didn't have much faith in Britain's promise. She always knew her time would come and little USA would become his own country.

She walked to her room. She let herself sink into her chair by the big window. She sighed heavily as she watched the leaves in the trees dance.

"What am I to do." She quietly said to herself.


"You look unwell." A stern voice stated from behind her. 13 looked back from her desk to see the Province of Canada standing there.

"Oh, Canada, hello. I'm just a touch tired no need to worry." Canada raised an eyebrow.

"Do you take me for a fool?" She bluntly inquired.

"No of course not!"

"Then why tell such a lie. It's clear this war will be the death of you." 13's eyes widened. This was the first moment someone acknowledged this war for what it was. Her death.

"I-" She turned back to her desk.

"You?" Canada pushed.

"I have a few letters I need to write." She took out a few pieces of paper and started writing.


"I did exactly as you said." Her voice was weak as she looked up at Britain.

She laid in bed, on the verge of death. With her was Britain, The Province of Canada, Canada, The colony of Australia, Australia, The colony of New Zealand, New Zealand, and Rupert's land.

"I know you did, you did the best you could." Britain answered.

They had lost. They fought as hard as they could but they lost. It was all pointless in the end.

"Canada..." 13 quietly called.

"Yes?" The province came up to her, still as stone faced as ever.

"Please see to it they get the letters."

"Of course."

I gave a wry smile, and a final breath.


I let out a hard sigh as I looked out my office window.

"Dad." The door creaked open and I heard Delaware speak.

"Yes Delaware?" I turned and asked her.

"We each got some letters from the 13 colonies." Delaware handed me mine. I looked down at it.

"Thank you Delaware." She nodded and left the room.

I sat down at my desk, contemplating whether to open it or not. I finally decided to open it.

She passed away this morning. I had considered going to see her one last time but ended up deciding against it.

I started to read it.

Dear United States of America,

How are you, dear? By the time you read this I will no longer be with you, so I presume you're well. I would like to congratulate you. You fought hard and you were rewarded for your bravery, I pray you always keep that bravery. I always knew you would be great. Please prove me right. Continue to be brave and great. Continue to prove your enemies wrong when they call you names. I apologize for all I put you through, and I hope you can remember me fondly. I know you'll do great things, and it saddens me to know I'll never see what you become, and what you do for the world. But I know you'll rise up, and they'll need to shield their eyes from how bright you'll be. Show the world what I've always seen in you.

I love you my dear brother.


13 Colonies

I put the letter down. I looked out the window once again, losing myself in thought.

Was she serious? Somehow I can't tell. Sure she had always been nice, for the most part, but I mean, we just fought a war to kill her. Not that I feel very guilty about it.

I do wonder though.

Even to this day.

Was she serious?

Can she see what we've become?

Can they all see what we've become?

I hope so.

Even if for no other reason but to prove myself to them.

Ok, and maybe a little bit of pettiness as well.

But can I really help it?

I'm still here. And their all dead. War after war and I'm here.

Take that dad.

I'm still here.

I won.

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