Aim for the sky or the heart ~ Cali and Texas backstory

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This happens after the civil war once they've all rejoined the union.

And just to make sure it's clear, they do both survive, just a scar from the bullet and near death.



No one's POV

A bunch of the states sat and chatted in the main room. Sharing a few drinks, a few laughs, mostly good times all around. Although no matter how many laughs could be heard, the underlying tension was still present as ever.

Suddenly the doors flung open. Every slowly turns to see a very angry looking Cali. Nevada takes a step towards her but before she can speak Cali storms over to where Texas and some of the other southern states are seated. She slammed her hands on the table in front of him.

"YOU JERK!!!" She yelled. He simply rolled his eyes, taking another sip of his drink.

"What did I do this time?" He asked.

"I told you you're not allowed to come back and you still came back!!!" She yelled.

"Well fortunately for me you don't get to make those decisions." Texas leaned back in his seat, taking another sip of his drink. She didn't like his answer much.

"Well you still haven't apologized!"

"For what? You holding a gun to my head?"

They went back and forth for a while. Most of the others getting lost in their disagreement. Right up until one particular line.

"WELL YOU KNOW WHAT?! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!" Cali yelled. Everyone froze, including Texas.

"What?" Texas blinked, staring at her, waiting for her to say she was joking. Surely she couldn't be serious.

"You heard me! I challenge you to a duel!"

"Cali... don't do this..." Nevada took a step towards her. Cali whipped around and glared at her.

"Shut. Up." She turned back to Texas who was still drinking, his expression neutral once again. "So?!" She demanded.

After another long sip he answered,


She laughed. A long laugh. She finally settled down enough to say, "Why not?! Are you scared?!"

He looked at her. She looked back. He took another sip.

"Fine." Everyone seemed shocked, Cali seemed pleased.

"Texas..." Georgia turned to his brother.

"If she wants a duel she'll get a duel." Texas told him. "You're my second Georgia. Cali, who's yours?" He turned back to her. Now she seemed surprised.

"My... what?" She asked, Alabama let out a laugh.

"This'll be easy, huh Tex!" He announced through laughter. Texas stayed neutral in expression. He turned to New York who was stood off to the side.

"York, you know about duels, help out Cali." He turned back to his drink.

"Well- I mean- Jersey knows more!" York scrambled, glaring at Jersey.

"Yeah, cause all your guys keeping comin' here and shootin' each other, you deal with it." Jersey quickly left. York let out an annoyed sigh.

"Fine." He walked over. "How much time we got?"

"Tomorrow we can meet up for peace talk and arrangements." Texas answered.

York quickly ushered Cali out of the room and they started down the hall.

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