Remember the Alamo ~ Texas Backstory ~ Event 1

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This will be about the first event that caused Texas to push people away. I'll hopefully write the second event soon. Once I've written both parts I might write a chapter talking about how the events affected him and how they still affect him, but we'll have to see. Also sorry this one's a bit short. But yeah, hope you enjoy!


Texas' POV

I stared blankly out of my window. It's been a few days since it happened. I still can't believe it. I haven't been able to sleep. Any time I try I just get nightmares and then I can't fall asleep no matter how hard I try. Plus the aching pain every time I moved was still there.

How could I let this happen? Because of me they're all dead. All of them. Except me. I let them all die. I lost all of them. Their families lost them. They lost their lives.


My eyelids started getting heavy. I tried with all my might to stay awake.
I don't know when it happened, but at some point, everything went black.


"THEY'RE COMING!!!" A soldier yelled.

"WELL GET ON YOUR FEET THEN!!!" Another yelled back.

"WE'RE OUT NUMBERED!!!" Another piped in.

"THAT DOESN'T MATTER!!! WE'RE NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!!!" Was the response he got before chaos broke out.

A boy sat curled up, fearing the sounds outside. He had witnessed fights before, he had been IN fights before, but this was different. He knew these people. He cared about these people. He knew each of their names, their families, their lives. Now here they were, being slaughtered by people at the command of the man he hated most in this world.


After what felt like an eternity, it all went black.


"TEJAS!!! COME OUT HERE YOU COWARD!!!" A voice rang through the silent wreckage.

The boy slowly came back too to the sound of this voice. This voice he hated with a passion.

Despite all the injuries from the events that had just unfolded, he managed to crawl out of the wreckage and sneak away.

He ran. And ran. And ran. He ran for what felt like ages. Tears falling from his eyes and blood from his wounds the entire time.

He had almost made it back when he couldn't bare to take one more step. He collapsed. His body aching with pain. As he started slipping into unconsciousness once again he heard voices.







It all went black.


"Tejas?" I jolted awake to see Señorita María standing beside me at my desk. I could feel the tears that stained my face. She looked at me concerned.

She sighed softly and pulled me into a hug.

"It's ok Tejas... It'll all be ok..." She softly told me as she ran her hands through my hair.

I could feel my body shaking. Tears started falling from my face harder. I wrapped my arms around her and started crying even harder.

They're all dead. Every last one of them. Mean while he's there, celebrating. Celebrating over their dead bodies. I hate him. I hate him with all my being.

They're dead because of him... No... Well, partially. They're also dead because of me. I let them all die while I cowardly hid.

As much as I hate him, he was right about that much. I'm a coward. I'm pathetic. Why did I think I could do this?

I'm a terrible leader. I'd make a terrible country. I can't protect anyone. I couldn't protect my own people. Or my own siblings.


Thinking of them was a mistake. I cried even harder now. I abandoned them. I really can't protect them like this. I told them I'd always protect them, and just like at the battle, I was a coward. I ran.

They probably hate me. All of them. My siblings, my people, everyone. They all probably hated me.

I cried into her shoulder for I don't know how long before she softly said,
"Don't worry Tejas, you'll avenge them. So long as you win this war they rest happily." She smiled at me.

...Yeah... I'll get him back. I'll avenge them. All of them. I won't let their memory also die. I'll remember them. Always.


A month or so later a larger group rode out. A boy near the front. They all chanted as they went along. They chanted as they fought. And they chanted as they celebrated victory.

"Remember the Alamo."

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