Goodbye Miss ~ Alaska backstory

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When he says Miss it refers to Russian America
When they talk about Russia it's in reference to the Russian Empire.
If it's in italics then their speaking English, if not, they're speaking Russian.


Alaska's POV

"SHUT UP!" Miss yelled as she threw a bottle at me. I managed to dodge this one, resulting in it shattering against the wall.

I stared up at her. Her eyes were filled with sloppy rage.

She slugged back into her rickety seat. She looked around, but my eyes were glued to her. I couldn't risk her catching me off guard, I know better by now.

"Tomorrow we go to see Russia." She finally spoke. "You better be on your best behaviour. Or else." She hissed. I felt a shiver run up my back. But I know better then to show her that I'm scared.

"Understood Miss." I told her.

"Good. Now downstairs you go."

I didn't object, despite still not having been given food.

I made my way downstairs to the dark and cold basement. I laid down in my 'bed'. A pillow as old as me, and an old rag I use as a blanket.

Although the Russian family isn't great, when we're there I'm safe. I get food, and warmth, and a real bed. And Miss can't be mean to me. At all. They might catch her being mean so she can't.

I slept just about as good as any night. Not great. I woke up and carefully made my way upstairs. I quickly got to making whatever form of a breakfast I could for her. Which, shocker, ended up being buttered bread and vodka.

I stood by the chair where she would sit, waiting for her. After a bit of waiting she stumbled down the stairs.

She finished her breakfast in silence.

I waited.
Soon I would be safe.

~Time Skip~

I sat outside of the room where Miss was talking to Russia. I could hear yelling, although I couldn't fully pick up what they were saying.

The doors flung open. I flinched and look up blankly. Apparently I look blank a lot. Russia doesn't like it.

Miss stands there, furious. She glared down at me. I blink at her, waiting to hear what the reason I would be beat for was. Russia walks out after her, smiling.

"Alaska, you will get to learn another language." Russia crouched down.

I tilted my head, still blank.
"What language?"


I was even more confused. I looked up at Miss, she didn't look very pleased with this. I wonder why...

~Time Skip~

I took a few deep breaths as I paced the floor of 'my' room for the last time. We were with Russia, for the final time.

Today, I would go to a new home, with my real family. And Miss? Well she would die. Finally.

I stopped and straightened my back.

"Hello. I am Alaska. It's nice to meet you." I practiced. I shook my head. Once I get to my new home I'll need to loose my accent. And fast. I hate it.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Get your ass out here brat. It's time." I heard Miss spit through the door.

I quickly grabbed my small bag of things and ran out. She was wearing a dress, naturally. Wouldn't want Russia finding out how she usually looks and acts.

We walked down the hall in silence. We finally made it to the room. I took a deep breath before we entered.

In the room was Russia and a few guards, and who I assume was my father, USA. They all turned to look at us. I hated it. I didn't like all of them staring at me.

"Good, your here. Come." Russia gestured for me to come over, so I did. I stood next to him and looked up at my father. He was smiling down at me. It was nice, but scary. Russia smiles like that too. I've learned that smiles often aren't a good sign.

I quickly pushed those thoughts down as I gathered my nerves to speak.

"Hello. I am Alaska. It's nice to meet you." He gave smile and put out his hand.

"Hello Alaska. Nice to meet you too. I'm your dad, America." I took his hand and shook it. I assume this isn't how most first meetings between father and son go. But it'll do.

"Please." Miss stated from behind us. "Please don't go." This was the first time I saw any sorrow on her face, not that I felt bad. She deserves what's coming.

"It is to late. You have served us well, so thank you, but your services are no longer needed." Russia smiled I took a step back, leaning into father. He seemed confused by the whole situation, probably do to not knowing what we were saying. But he did put a hand on my shoulder. His hand was warm. I liked it.

"Please!" Miss begged. She took a step back as Russia took a step forward.

"Guards." He said, his expression not changing. Two guards grabbed her, one on each arm. "Please deal with her." He turned to another guard, who nodded in response. He pulled out a gun.

"PLEASE!" She begged, tears starting to fall from her eyes. I looked up at father for a moment. He looked horrified. Odd.

The guard, of course, ignored her pleas. He stepped in front of her, the other guards moving slightly so as not to get caught in the cross fire.

He held the gun up and started shooting. She screamed. I know I might seem messed up for this, but, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed watching her scream and beg and be covered in blood, only to be ignored. Taste of her own medicine.

He stopped shooting and they let go, she wasn't quiet dead though. She just laid there, still screaming. She reached a shaky arm out to me.

"Alaska... dear..." She barely got out.

I walked over, blankly. I stopped in front of her. I crouched down by her, and smiled.

"Goodbye Miss." I calmly told her.

Her eyes shot open further. I got up. She begged more and more. For me to stay, to help her, to save her.

I ignored her. Walking over to father and picking my bag up.

"May we leave?" I asked.

He looked down at me, terror in his eyes.


I didn't look back as we left. Not when she screamed for me. Not when Russia yelled for her to shut up. Not when there was a final gun shot. Not when her screams stopped.

I didn't look back.
Not once.
Not ever.
I never looked back

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