Señorita María and Señor Miguel ~ Texas Backstory

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María's POV

The sun was setting over the grassy hills as mi amor and I walked down the path. I quite enjoyed these walks the two of us would take. After a long day this is exactly what I need.

We walked along, hand in hand, talking and laughing about the day. Suddenly Miguel stopped and squinted, looking out into the field behind me.

"What is it mi amor?" I turned to look in the same direction as him.

"What is that?" He pointed to a spot far off in the field, close to the woods. I squinted, something lay there. "Probably a dead animal." He shrugged.

"Well why don't we go take look." I said as I started walking towards whatever it was. Miguel quickly followed.

As we got closer my eyes widened. A boy. I quickly ran and bent down to take a look. He was badly injured, covered in blood and bruises. He had dark brown hair and very tanned skin, and it seemed he also had a few pre existing scars along side the fresh wounds. It was hard to tell his age but probably in his mid teens. He wore a button up shirt, black pants, some brown boots, and a red bandanna around his neck. Miguel knelt down next to me, joining in examining the boy.

"We need to help him." I said, turning to face him. He gave a small chuckle and kissed me on the forehead.

"Of course mi amor." He picked up the boy and we returned to our home.

Luckily none of my sobrinos or sobrinas are staying over tonight. Miguel took him up to the spare room as I got some water and cloth. I quickly got started cleaning him off and tending to his wounds.

Texas' POV

I slowly opened my eyes, being hit by sun light. I looked around to see I was in a room I had never seen before. I slowly sat up, my body aching with very small movement. I was cleaned of almost all blood and my injuries were bandaged. The only remaining blood was the stains on my clothing.

The door slowly opened to reveal a short woman. She wore a white and red dress with a blue scarf around her shoulders. Her dark brown hair was tied up in a bun by a red string. She had warm brown eyes that looked at me softly.

"Good morning dear, how are you feeling?" She walked over, holding clean clothes.

"I'm... fine..." I hesitantly answered. She smiled warmly.

"My name is María." She told me. "My husband, Miguel, and I found you by the forest yesterday. You were terribly injured, what happened?" She asked.

I shifted a bit. I don't think I quite want to tell this random lady I just met about everything with Mexico.

"If it's alright with you Señorita María I would rather not talk about it." She nodded.

"That's quite alright. Here." She handed me the change of clothes she had brought. "Once you've changed you can come down and join us for breakfast." She got up to leave.

"Thank you but I really should be going, I don't want to intrude." I told her, slowly getting up.

"Oh, where are you heading?"

I paused. I hadn't really thought of that. Yesterday was all mainly executed on adrenaline.

"I... don't know." I told her truthfully.

"Then why don't you stay? We really don't mind, having another kid around would be nice." She told me.

I paused to think for a minute. I guess I didn't really have a better plan right now. Guess it couldn't hurt to hang around for a bit.

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