02| Sleep easier because I'm no longer there

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The loud sound of Rory slamming the front door caused [M/N] to jerk a bit at the sound, rubbing his ears a bit before sitting up. The blue covers fell off to reveal his tired eyes, he couldn't get sleep until a couple of hours after getting off work. His work didn't keep him up, it was the nightmares of him back at that terrible land. The people shouting at him, calling him an imposter, a bastard, a heretic. The disgust on their faces as he begs, and pleads to them that he wasn't that, he wasn't someone he tried to be but himself. If it wasn't the nightmares of that, it was the hallucinations of the Archons.

One night it was Venti staring at him with those teal eyes that [M/N] used to adore, they lit up with such hatred with his braids. His bow in his hand, humming softly to himself as they stared at [M/N]. 

Another was of Zhongli, his amber eyes burning as he stood over his bed. His arms crossed and he wore the outfit that he had back as Morax, the Geo Archon. His darks arms with the golden designs running all over his arms. His face was unkind and his lips kept into a large scowl. [M/N] clutched the blanket, as his [E/C] eyes stared back. He was frozen in shock, he didn't know if Zhongli was real and came to finish his job or his head was playing a horrible trick on him.

Ei was the worst, [M/N] gotten off work and had decided to shower. He loved the warm water against his body, he was taking a shower and then he heard a noise. He didn't know what it was and drawled the curtain back only to see the electro archon with her Musou Shinsetsu out, glowing with her dull purple eyes. [M/N] screams as he falls back, yanking the curtain from the pole. He laid against the hard tub as the water hits him and the curtain clinging to his wet skin. She wasn't there anymore.

They came and go, taunting him and ruining his sleep. He couldn't even close his eyes for a nap, visions of them or others hurting him.

He switched his times, from the early morning he was late at night now. No sleep, no hallucinations anymore. Or at least less then, he kept having nightmares but not as worst as seeing the archons with their weapons.

It was just Rory waking him up, his jackass of a roommate who even mentioned the game to him. He was kinda thankful for it, but it still annoyed [M/N].

[M/N] stands up, took a shower, and scrubbed against his scalp with a sigh to himself. He was going to do some homework here and then leave for his class on campus. Once his clothes came on, he moved to his computer and pressed down on the power button on his laptop. He watched the screen come up to a picture of something he picked out of his camera roll. 

"Hello to you too Sebastian."

Sebastian Michaelis was in his photos and was the first wallpaper that was on his laptop before finding out about Genshin. "At least Sebastian would question me about being a God before ending me if Ciel decided it."

[M/N] smiles to himself as he loads the screen and the mouse freezes, he grumbled a bit before leaning against his computer chair. He looked at the time at the corner of the screen, watching it flicker to another minute. Soon the white hand moved and he clicked the campus website and into his account. He hummed to himself as he kept moving his name, [M/N] clicked on the file as an Ad for Genshin came up. [M/N] clicked the video off but it kept playing, "Fucking App ruined my computer."

[M/N] clicks out of the programs as he stands, stretching and grabbing his book bag. He takes his phone as he walked to the door with his keys in hand. He would just go to the library computer and work it out over there. Once the door was closed and locked, [M/N] began walking towards the stairs.

His computer open and green words, codes came up, one after another and another. Soon the screen goes black as letters came up.

 W E L C O M E   B A C K   C R E A T O R

In Teyvet

....or what's left to it.

Once the imposter was gone, the sound of many Hilichurls cried. Cried, the many roars of the animals and bosses as things went haywire and the lands that the Archons that once protected and grow from nothing. They began breaking apart and the status that once held the loving and caring expression turned to stone cold. 

Mondstadt had experienced the cold winters when Dragonspine over snowed. The children dressed in the hottest clothes, layers upon layers of clothes as their parents send them outside to enjoy the cold weather. But this felt different, instead of celebrating the imposter being murdered, snow-covered the lands, and the lake turned into ice. The birds went, the animals and the snow were too heavy on buildings. Even the Fatui left back home, they could stand the cold winters given by their Tsaritsa. Everyone was freezing and took shelter in the Church, but people were dying and word of an adult cryo regisvine was growing next to Mondstadt.

Liyue and its Harbor were just as worst, the animals had begun attacking adventurers. Azhdaha began rumbling and roaring, from within his cage he stomped on the ground. The vibrations cause tiny earthquakes hitting on the land of Liyue. Amber captured people outside the Adepti home, and Zhongli had almost lettered the Cryo Archon for his gnosis back to protect his people. The reason he couldn't was because of the Habor, and the workers had collapsed and Ningguang was trying to attend to all the funerals. The waters were unsafe and the ground always constantly moving.

Last was the Inazuma, instead of the water tipping the lands over, a fire took over Chinju Forest. The Pyro Cube had left its battleground and began crushing any land it touched. No matter who it was, samurai, civilians, others. It didn't care and had only wanted bloodshed as the Hydro Cube began acting up as well. The Islands that were surrounded by water began overflowing, the water not having mercy on the young and old. If it wasn't the fire or water causing harm, the electro boss was clearing the rest that tried to take shelter on the sea. 

Teyvet was breaking itself apart, mourning and destroying the people who killed their lovely creator. Their beloved, parent and ignored the cries and prayers of the sinners who caused it. 

Not all hope was lost, not as much.

"Sir Alchemist? is it done? I...can not handle the cries of them.."

"A moment more, I got into his square contraption."

"...Still...when we get there, I should be the one talking."

"Honorary Knight, with all due respect, we should talk to him-"

"I wouldn't be taking that tone, you are one of the ones chasing after him."


Albedo hissed as the room lights up and the others stand back, his eyes widen a bit as the glow was bright. "Let's go."

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