09| Ex-little mermaid and her pet Chihuahua

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[M/N] ducked under one of the shells of Watsumi Island, holding his arm as blood came down, the golden splurts felt so warm against his fingers

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[M/N] ducked under one of the shells of Watsumi Island, holding his arm as blood came down, the golden splurts felt so warm against his fingers. His eyes stared hard above him as he hears the soft wooshes of Sara and her wings. She watched rain pelt the beach floor before hearing her fly off, probably lost sight of him after he shot the arrow. [M/N] sniffed as he looked at his arm, and soon pulled out the bandages he had stolen from the Kamisato household. The archons would be near soon, he managed to escape them but nearly lost his eye as well.

He needed to heal, lay his head down, and hopefully get an hour of sleep. Maybe there was a mob camp around where some hilichurls and Abyss mages could watch over him, the electro ones were always hard to beat. 

[M/N] pinched the skin a bit and began rolling his arm up with the bandages and slowly the bleeding stop and he tied it off, using his teeth as he tied it. [M/N] slowly crawls out from the open shell and stands up, using the rocks to steady himself before slowly finding his way up to the higher ground. He could see one of the statues of the seven from his spot and kept walking towards it. He knew he could find someone to help him, hopefully, Kokomi could help him. Heal the wound before it could become infected or worst.

"Halt! cease movement!"

"We are here your grace." 

[M/N] looked away from the window and to Aether, as they arrived on Watsumi Island, they landed in Ritou before taking Aether's boat to the resistance base, the once lovely and homey Watsumi Island.

"Here, let me help you," Aether said as the door opens and the board comes up to the dock. Aether held [M/N]'s hand as they both left the boat and the door shuts. He could smell the scent of the sea and the little bubbles coming up, some touching his nose and Milkshake shakes off the sleep. He walks off the boat and right into the sand, completely missing the dock.

"Eh! The poor doggy." Paimon squeaks as she looked over the dog, and [M/N] sighs, "Wait a moment."

Milkshake shakes off the sand and licked at his hand before sniffing the ground despite the hard fall on his face. "He's...weird, but he's a good dog." [M/N] said as he stretched his limbs and yawned. 

"Uh-huh, are sure he isn't stupid?" Paimon asked as she floats beside them as Aether sighed, "He also ate the fake flowers in the living room."

"He's...special." [M/N] said as they walked their way towards the shrine. "You have alerted them about coming here correct?" He asked Aether who nods at the question.

"Yeah, they will be waiting patiently and happy to help you," Aether said as he walked, his eyes glanced around the island, just as lively as ever and the mobs even ignored them and in favor of cooking their meals.

"Why are we here? I thought they ran you out of here?" Paimon asked and yelped as Aether swiped at her to stop talking.

"They did, but I just came here to let them know of my vision here." He said as he walked, [M/N] ignoring Aether scolding Paimon as Milkshake barks as he stops at a tree to pee and he looked down in the middle of the Island. The flowing waters of Watatsumi Island, his eyes narrowed at the people that walked around Kokomi's shrine and spotted the priestess and her mutt.

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