13| A promise

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It had been a few calm days since everything that happened, [M/N] was mostly relaxing in Kokomi's private bath, lots of hot water and it turned purple from vitamins along with some seaweed scent

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It had been a few calm days since everything that happened, [M/N] was mostly relaxing in Kokomi's private bath, lots of hot water and it turned purple from vitamins along with some seaweed scent. Milkshake took a few baths as well in the tub with him, and almost drowned a few times. Though, just the soothing waters almost made [M/N] bearable to look down at the scars that linger on his body.

"Is there something you need me to do?"

The sudden voice caused [M/N] to scream a bit, covering his private parts, and looked to the side where Shenhe stood, arms crossed and her calm gaze stared him down a bit. He takes a deep breath to calm his beating heart as she tilts her head a bit, unaware of how badly she scared him. 

"Your Lordship?"

"Oh, I-I'm fine...I didn't expect you to be in here with me...at all..and scared me." [M/N] said as he rubbed his chest a bit but still sat deeper in the water, he looked at the woman who watched him curiously. "Where have you been? You look a bit tired."

"I'm fine, once the Adepti noticed their mistake, they set me free." She said as she pushed herself off the wall and moved towards the door, "I'll be in the living room."

Once she left, [M/N] finished his bath and began drying himself with one of the many towels that Thoma brought him. He dries himself, humming to himself as he avoided the reflection of the mirror, unaware of the glowing golden eyes watching him. [M/N] didn't expect to see Shenhe this early, especially after the Adepti nearly captured him and she put herself in danger for him. He admittedly pushed that violent showdown behind him, to lock it away and never remember it.

[M/N] honestly thought she had passed from it, but now she looked fine.


[M/N] eagerly drink the water that flows in the little streams, he was under the watchful eye of the Mitachurls who were laying down to enjoy the sun. It had been hours since had something to hydrate him, and the apples just made him thirsty. He cups his hands and takes a sip before feeling a heavy gaze on him, he looked up before meeting soft white-blue eyes that stared at him with curiosity. He recognized her immediately, she was a cryo polearm user, Shenhe.

She was just watching him drink water like some starved child, her weapon wasn't out either so she appeared okay. [M/N] takes another sip of water, hoping she wouldn't bother him before hearing grass being stepped on. He looks to see her beside him, and the warning groan of the Mitachurl behind him.

"I expected you to be taller...a lot taller like you are in the statues." She said as [M/N] blinked, head tilted. He didn't know if that was an insult or a compliment. Shenhe goes down and bows her head a bit, and [M/N] moved a bit from her. "I'm sorry for scaring you, my Lordship, I'm here to help you along the way here, at least somewhere more stable. You are too close to the Adepti Abode."

"I see...I."


A booming voice came from above and [M/N] scrambles to get up, Shenhe stands in front as the mitachurl stands up with the shield. The Adepti came down and watched him, Cloud Retainer was in front of them. "You're trespassing Imposter, and by the orders of the Geo Archon, and to the safety of Liyuen citizens, we are here to take care of you." She boomed, "Shenhe, come here or strike him down."


"Excuse me? What is this?"

"From a young age, you told me the Creator gave me a reason and will to live, despite my tendencies," Shenhe said as she summoned her weapon, twirling in effect and holding it close to her body. "He's here, our Creator."

"What has this flighty maggot tell you?! He is not our beloved Creator, he's just someone wearing his face!"

"My teacher, if you cannot see him how I do-" Shenhe said as the Mitachurl began leading [M/N] away in his grasp. "Then you went blind after these years."

[M/N] heard clashing as he was taken away, and didn't dare to look back.


"Your home reminds me of the shells here, it's very..plain," Shenhe said as Thoma placed a freshly brewed tea down in front of her. She sniffed a bit, sour and sweet, before slowly picking it up and drinking it. "I've never had tea like this, not even at Angel's Share." 

"it's from Inazuma, Waka has been sending them here ever since our Lord has been here," Thoma said as he placed the second teacup in front of their lord, Milkshake scurries passed them and she watched the tiny animal move around, seemingly chasing after nothing before slamming itself into the wall. It falls before standing up and doing it over, this time avoiding the wall.

"I like that small creature, it's completely dumb." She said as [M/N] smiles just a bit, before sipping some of the tea that cooled down. 

"Is there a reason why you're here? I'm not mad that you came here, but curious." [M/N] asked as he nibbled on some Dango that Thoma made for them.  "Is something the matter?"

"Nothing is, after I fought with the Adepti, I was locked away, and I remembered that I had perished when Teyvat had torn itself apart because of your death. Then waking up and alive, word got around and I sought you out here." Shenhe explained simply as she tapped her fingers on the table. "I wanted to be a person you could rely on."

"Oh?" [M/N] raised an eyebrow, "Asking to be a consort?"

"No, more of a night or at least one of the people who could speak on your behalf." She explained, " I do not need to be by your side as a wife, but as a person who brings your will to the fullest."

"Oh, so like a knight, no?"


"Well then, when you put it that way, I need you to head towards Mondstadt and do me a favor."

"I promise my mission will be successful." Shenhe said as she ignored the burning eyes that were glaring at her skull. 

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