06| Itto "numero uno bride to be" Arataki

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"Wait! You can't just make an important decision like that!" Bennett screeched practically and watched as the Oni simply smirked and shrugged, "I-I...They'll skin you alive! The other guys are already crazy with our Grace and they'll totally eat you alive or worst!"

"If you want in this relationship then I'm cool, many Oni's share their mates so I have no issue with sharin' him," Itto assured as Bennett squeaks, his pale face turning red and he covered his face at the thought of being engaged, let alone married to their grace, the creator of everything. [M/N]'s cheeks flushed as well, and he pulled back from Itto's strong grasp and fixed his clothes. 

"First, I am not marrying anyone or making anyone my consort, I am totally not in the mental space to marry anyone let alone afford a wedding." [M/N] breaths as he fixed his hair and sighs loudly. "Anyway, where is the Arataki gang?" 

"Oh? They are keeping everyone in Inazuma busy within the city limits," Itto said with a smile and then laughs loudly while placing his hands on his hips. " Don't worry, they ain't gonna die, if anythin' they are keeping Miss Shogun and official Sara on their toes." 

"Are they gonna be okay?" [M/N] asked, worried for the others in the gang especially since they didn't have a vision to even protect themselves. "Should we check on them?"

"Nah, they're okay! No, what shall we do? Go Onikabuto battlin'? Go search for some Mora like the good old days? Perhaps even play some games with the kids for their candy?" Itto asked as he looked at their grace, he knew something special about [M/N] especially on the first day they met. He could feel it in his horns, and was right as always!

"I don't know...I'm sure other acolytes here in Inazuma would be pissed that you're hogging all his time." Bennett said as [M/N] nods his head in agreement, it sounded like something they would do and it made his stomach crawl at the thought of a different type of pursuers coming after them.

"He is right, heck, I don't know if people actually caught word that I'm no longer an imposter." [M/N] admitted with a sigh, before looking to Itto as he looked buzzed to be there then to Bennett who looked so closed to pissing his pants. 

"You are right! But who cares? If they even think to bother ya, Itto, numero uno bride to be, Arataki will rightfully smash their heads in!" Itto assured with a cheeky laugh and beaming smile that didn't match his words in taste. 

"Itto don't say that-!"

"Your grace!"

The trio stops their talking before noticing the figure coming towards them and Itto moved in front of [M/N] with a scowl. "Don't even think about comin' close, a little retainer of the Kamisito household."

"Kamisato. I'm not dealing with you right now Itto." Thoma said, hissing as he stopped as the Oni gotten in front of their grace. "I knew you would send your gang to mess with Sara and the Shogun, especially when you weren't there, Ayato-sama had me come find you. Now you're holding onto our grace."

Thoma, [M/N] peeked over and looked at him, he looked relieved and happy to see [M/N] but he didn't share the feeling. They were the ones that gave me up to Ei, the Kamisato household is such a waste of space.

"Listen 'ere you petite mother-"

"I don't want to visit the Kamisato household, nor do I want to speak to them." [M/N] said, arms crossed and glaring at the ground with a scowl. "They don't need me, it was quite obvious."

"Your Grace, I know we messed up in the past, but now we know better than to follow mob mentality. Ayato-sama and Lady Ayaka had wanted to make a formal apology to you because of what the household did, if you please, just give us a chance." Thoma said, bowing as he avoided the gaze of their grace. He didn't want to personally hand over [M/N], their grace, but when Ayato said along with Ayaka that they needed to, he chose the household. "We want to be better, for you and for the future."

"Are you apologizing because you got messed up when Teyvet began killing itself or apologizing because you feel bad?" [M/N] asked, it would make sense if they were just trying to grovel like assholes who did something bad and knowingly did it.

"On behalf of the Kamisato Household, myself, and if the commission was truly sorry then they could speak for themselves," Thoma said as he kneels now, looking up into the lovely [E/C] eyes that their grace had. "I want to apologize, that I couldn't stand up for myself at that moment. I knew giving you up to the Raiden Shogun was the biggest mistake, but I was following orders and I curse myself every time I remember that moment."

"Hold it up, you messed up-" itto began to antagonize Thoma but [M/N] placed his hand against the Oni's arm to stop him. 

"I forgive you." [M/N] said as he walked in front of Thoma, he had been one of the sweetest when he arrived at Inazuma, helping him and even offering a job at the teahouse when he came. "I just need you to do better next time, and maybe not follow the mob mentality?" Thoma's eyes shine with tears and nods, sniffing a bit as [M/N] helped him stand up straight again. "I forgive you and only you though, Ayaka and the rest still need to earn the rest of my forgiveness.." Besides, Thoma was male-wife martial anyway, much more willing to do anything and help [M/N].

"I'm sure my lady and Ayato-sama would work extra hard for your good graces," Thoma said as he stands and held their grace's hand, the warmth that he felt, that made him feel safe and loved. Just like the very first time...

"Ayo, kid?" Itto poked Bennet's shoulder, and the blonde jolts as an annoyed look came over on his features. "What the holy heck is mob mentality?"

"Basically when people gather together, and forget every logical thing." Bennett said, and shakes his head, "I'm not a kid. I could be older than you."

"Impossible! You're so tiny so you're a child." Itto said, assuring to himself though everyone small than him was a kid, well minus Granny Oni.

"I can literally buy wine, alcohol?"

"Don't argue." [M/N] said as he looked at the two, arms crossed a bit, "will there be food there?" 


"Good, come on." Itto grins happily as he follows happily along with Bennett.

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