19| I'm so sorry

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[M/N] raised his arms up to block them all out, as pressure from within him released and he opened his eyes only to gasp and his body shook

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[M/N] raised his arms up to block them all out, as pressure from within him released and he opened his eyes only to gasp and his body shook. The people who were squabbling and begging for his forgiveness were now on their knees as a black hue was around their necks. It looked what the Scarlet Witch used back at home, the magic vibrated from his hands ad he hears them gasp for air, their words silenced with gasping coming from their lips. [M/N] eyes widen as he seen the child who clung to his mother crying but no sound coming from their mouths, close to death.

" A-Ahm my punishment," Ajax wheezed as he felt over the hold from their creator and tears at the corner of his eyes. [M/N] looked to him and the magic vibrated even more in his hands, it made him tingle. " Thank you so much my Lordship."

" No, wait, please, I-I Didn't mean it." [M/N] said as his hands moved and shakes off the powers. " Release!"

The black mist disappears and [M/N] looked to the gasping civilians and the child who looked to be turning blue from the whole ordeal. He felt pressure behind his eyes like he was about to cry, he just wanted them to be quiet and stop talking to him about forgiveness. Now he almost killed these people and Childe.

Oh childe!

" Are you okay? I didn't mean for that to happen but it did." He said frantically as he bends down to attend to the redhead but noticed the tips of his fingers were painted black from the tip of his nails to the mid part of his finger. He looked at them in horror as a booming laugh hits him causing him to crumble beside Childe.

" My lordship?" Ajax breaths as he looked to him and glared at the people who watched them, they scattered away like ants.

HEHEHEHE! You wanted this, you wanted them to suffer like they did to you. Now that your powers unlocked we can do some real damage~

" I'm nothing like you, and I won't ." [M/N] sobs into his hands that began to turn back to their natural [S/C], he sobs into his hands before getting back on his feet and rushing off. He ignored the calls of Ajax and any guards as he hurried over the bridge and kept rushing before tripping it's a cry. He lands on his knees harshly and panted, looking around to see he was near a lot of scenery. He was around the Mt.Tianheng or near the boarder of it and he takes deep breaths, he gripped the grass as he stared down at the ground. " What is this....what am I?"

A being if destruction and creation, your godly being could create the sky's, the water and people itself...But you could cause the corruption of men, raise hurricanes and tornados...especially when emotions hit you...

" I don't want any of that...." [M/N] whimpered ad he looked at the ground, his fingernails digging into it as he held back tears.

You have no choice, you never had a choice to begin with. Besides you liked it~

" I was choking a child, a CHILD."

They would've deserved it anyway!

" Ajax showed me Liyue harbor again...he bought me clothes, shoes and food!" He argues back, voice cracking at the end.

He chased you in his foul legacy form, driven an arrow into your ankle that took forever to heal.

" It gives him no excuse but Ajax has always been two-faced and sly."

WHATEVER! Don't you see that you can finally achieve greatness now? With your powers we can rule this land with an iron fist! Overthrow the archons, slaughter millions to make me happy and rule everything for our own gain! It's perfect!

"....slaughter millions for you to get happy?" [M/N] whispers, as he glanced to the cliff that would lead people off the edge. " You're not me...are you?"

Whatever do you mean? I am you, and you are mine.

" No you are not, you wanted me to hurt them, pressured me into breaking down their hopes and dreams. You took me when I was vulnerable and twist my mind in and out." [M/N] said as he stands up and slowly began to walk towards the edge of the cliff. " You whispered in my ears of the things I didn't want to do."

Don't be crazy, you wanted to do all of that by yourself. You're just a horrible and corrupted as me.

" I wanted them to grovel until I felt the time was right, I wanted them to come to me and apologize with gifts or something. I wanted to re-love the land and their people like I did when I started the game." He says as he kept walking but his legs felt like jelly causing him to wobble a bit, it felt like something was stopping him.

Don't be an idiot! Killing yourself would only bring harm to everyone else!

" Isn't that what you wanted? For everyone to be in pain?" [M/N] counters as he moved and looked down from his spot. He could see it was a large drop too, his heart pounding with some ringing coming from his ears. He gripped his sleeves as he stared down.

By us! Not like this, do not-

" I don't care, I want..to be free...from you..." [M/N] takes a step forwards and lets himself drop, it only takes a moment to feel the air against his body. He feel his clothes flutter and his hair sway a bit as he went down. He ignored the voice screaming at him to command some mobs to catch him, for everything to stop.  [M/N] stares up at the blue sky and even spot some birds fly by, ignorant about their world about to turn to shit in 5 seconds.

Any minute now

Literally any minute

[M/N] looked down and noticed he wasn't floating anymore, he was on a very large purple hand. He grasped the finger of it as it came down and he gently landed on the grassy floor. He watched it disappear and he looked to expect Ei but sees the "undeclared" son.

" Don't be so surprised." Scaramouche smiles and lifts [M/N]'s hand up, kissing his knuckles. " My beloved Divinity."

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