23| A nun and a God walk into a bar...

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"BAHWHWHWH, and then she said there was a barbecue on their titties!"

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"BAHWHWHWH, and then she said there was a barbecue on their titties!"

"I don't know what that means! I like it! heheheheheh!"

"Another one our Creator!"

Rosaria watched [M/N] giggle, his cheeks flushed from drinking the wine that Charles kept serving him. All the drinks were on the house per-the creator's orders, which brought some smiles despite the growing problem in Sumeru. She swirls the drink in her hand as [M/N] began telling the people around him another joke, stumbling over words and some odd story it was about some animal throwing its wife around and got sad. She sighs a bit as Charles perked a bit, glancing at the gloomy nun.

"What's the matter? Not enjoying the wine?" The bartender asked a bit concerned as Rosaria glanced at him and then to [M/N] who used his own glass to gently tapped others. Their glasses break on impact as [M/N] was releasing giggles and laughs behind his hand.


"...Rosaria.." [M/N] breaths out as he heard her voice, the dull tone he used to enjoy. "...Not here to pray to me huh?"

"You should know I don't really care for the Archons, the Gods, or anything in between." The Nun replied as she walked next to him, eyeing the form and then to the statue, "I knew it was you the day you came, the way I saw light around before they all began to attack." Rosaria admitted with another hum. 

"And you didn't do a thing to stop them?" [M/N] asked a bit defeated as he slowly stood up, looking at the statue that held his face. 

"You didn't do anything to help me, so it seemed fair at the time," Rosaria answers back with a shrug as [M/N] nods his head a bit. "But I do feel a bit bad, I guess." She did, but she pushed it down until everyone began dying and the world was tearing itself apart. Rosaria rarely felt bad, sometimes she overdid things or even let it be a low blow on people when she points out the obvious. 

[M/N] takes a deep breath, he hugged himself it seemed as if his hands glows a dark black color and her eyes followed each movement he made, "...You're not the first to feel bad for me...I've been feeling bad for myself...for so long.." His home life came to mind, even when the home was so far away. Nobody talked to him in years, but they did keep his father home. When the bastard used to beat the hell out of him, his mother, and his sister. "What do you want?"

"Nothing, anything I need, I can get." Rosaria fiddled with her polearm, twirling it with ease, "But there is something I want to give you."

"What would that be?"

"Fight me," Rosaria says, fixing her weapon a bit. 

"What?! Why?"

"You're gonna be fighting with yourself, and well as everyone can see...you're in no position to even fight for yourself." Rosaria says as [M/N] looked at her, seeming to be pondering, "I need to know what you can do, besides either me or that flaming Harbinger."

"...Sure, okay-" Rosaria advanced forwards and swung the point of her weapon at [M/N]'s face but the Creator nearly gets hit in the face. She kept jabbing the weapon towards him but [M/N] kept dodging back on his feet. Rosaria watched and clicked her tongue, using her polearm, stabbing it into the ground to launch herself forwards. Her heel is pushed against [M/N]'s body, and he goes back flying to the ground. He winced as his hands and arm scraped on the ground to stop himself, and looked up to see Rosaria readying her burst, the air freezing around them as it came down.

[M/N] felt actual fear before pushing forwards and launching the polearm away from Rosaria, the black mist in his hands had thrown the polearm away. That didn't stop Rosaraia as she landed safely before taking a running start towards [M/N], and jumping in the air. She moved and stomped on him, but [M/N] quickly rolled out of the way as she came down. Cryo popped out from the spot that [M/N] was at. [M/N] stands up as Rosaria throws one of her kunai at him, managing to get his cheek. "Don't just stand there!"

"But, I don't know anything about fighting and I don't want to hurt you at all!"

"You weren't like this when you nearly gouge Kaeya's eye nor choked the Liyue citizens!"

"Those weren't even on me-AGH!"

[M/N] gasped as there was a kick aimed and hit his stomach, he crumbled for a moment and gasped for air. Rosaria watched as she walked closer, how the Creator crumbled after she kicked him in the stomach. Her eyes watched the black mist around his hands appear on and off as if he was holding back on her. It seemed to be true about not wanting to hurt anybody, that other man, Levithan was the one hurting everyone or commanding [M/N] to do so. "In a fight, you can't just stop and talk about your feelings. You have to keep moving or you're a sitting duck waiting to be killed."

"But if I harm you...I will think I am some monster...what if I killed you like I almost did with Childe? What if he somehow comes back in my mind to finish the job...you're one of the strongest characters I made with my account...so if I weaken our chances to stop him...I will be the one to blame." [M/N] said as he rubbed the area she kicked, a soft grey glow came from his palm to heal his minor injury. He didn't notice it as he looked upon the Nun. "I can't..."

"You will and have to!" Rosaria snapped, as her hands closed into fists. Her eyes stared down at him, there were wars and battles fought in his name, and she was the one to make sure everything was done in her name. She didn't believe in him like others but she believe in the causes they faced, and why she was raised in that environment. "I am more than a fake human, a little character in this game you called, I am stronger with or without you leading me."

[M/N] listened as he looked at her as she raised her fist and moved to punch him, but he moved to grab her fist with his hand. The grey faded to black and Rosaria gritted her teeth as she kept pushing as Cryo slowly wrapped around [M/N]'s arm, ice threading through his skin, ice and blood falling from the sharp tips of her ice. [M/N] moved to stand, a bit wobbly from the ground as Rosaria kept her own strength, up against him.

She refused to put her other hand on him, she needed to listen to his own resolve about everything going on. Only then she will let go.

"Are you going to be his little bitch? Let everyone die again by him?" She asked as [M/N] pushed back on her but she refused to move an inch. 

"No, I'm not, but I'm not going to let everyone boss me around anymore...let them say their apologies...I'm tired of being the punching bag including myself!" [M/N] says as he finally shoves the Nun who skids back as [M/N] looked at his forearm that was covered in ice, frostbite, and blood. He shakes it off as the grey glow heals most of it but left tiny scars from the ice protruding from his arms.

Rosaria watched before nodding her head, "Good. Keep that mindset...and it seems that the sun had gone down as well..." She eyed the nun clothes he wore as an idea came to mind. "Want a beer?"


The Angel's Share doors opened loudly causing the laughter to halt from the patrons turning their gaze towards the door. [M/N] didn't even blink an eye as he chugs the beer, foam around his lips as he placed the cold glass on the counter with a pleased sigh escaping him.

"What are you doing here?" One patron snapped from their seats as a glare shot towards them with a scowl. 

"To collect the Creator Almighty." A smooth voice said as [M/N] glanced at them and their eyes narrowed for a moment. "What an odd look Almighty Creator..but I understand if you can't recognize me." 


"How sweet that you know him but forgotten me, one of your greatest creations to Teyvat." Another voice said as he slammed the door shut, the Fatui gathering around outside the bar.


"Present, my glory."

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