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The sound of forks sliding across plates and chewing filled the awkwardly dim lit dining room.

Eyes were wondering around, slick weird eye contact was made and everyone in the dining room was officially uncomfortable.

Harry got home that night with a deep frown on his face, Alexis trying to reason with him that this was good for their marriage.

But Harry didn't see a marriage anymore, he saw an unhappy situation with a woman that he no longer loved.

He was tense and bothered by Louis' reaction, he thought that the man would be happier to hear that he wanted to split up with Alexis.

But he knew that Louis had morals, and one of them was no never home wreck. He started to feel shitty, he never asked Louis how he felt after they were intimate. He never asked Louis if he was mad or upset.

But now here he was with the man and someone else in front of him, trying to be polite and as accommodating to Alexis as he could be.

That was how Louis was, he never wanted to disrespect anyone. He never wanted to hurt someone, and maybe it's because inside he was hurting too.

"So, you guys have any big plans? For the holidays or the future?" Alexis asked, flicking her perfect black hair over her shoulder.

Louis nodded, "yeah, going to see my family."

Derek nodded, "me too."

"Oh, so you aren't spending the holidays together?" She asked confused, and Harry wanted to laugh. He wanted to scream 'I told you so' but he knew she wouldn't listen to him regardless.

Derek chuckled a little, "uh, no." He looked at Louis awkwardly, "Louis and I aren't really official or anything for us to do things like that."

The blue eyed boy swallowed his food and nodded, "yeah. We aren't really together or anything. We are just hanging out."

Harry looked at Alexis, "see? This is why I said this was a bad idea. They aren't like that."

"I mean," Derek started, and Harry's green eyes glued to him. Unsure of what the man was going to say but also very scared for it too. He didn't want to know what Louis and him did. He didn't want to feel jealousy. "We do couple things, but not really a couple."

"Couple things?" Harry asked, he was now the one that wanted answers. And Louis gave Harry a dirty look.

He felt himself blush, his heart beat starting to pick up the pace. He didn't like where the dinner was heading and all Louis wanted to do was take Derek and run out of there.

"Yeah, like we go on dates, or have sleep overs."

Alexis looked pleased with his answers as Louis looked tormented. His complexion paling by the minute and the sight of Harry's red face showed he was upset too.

"Sleepovers?" Harry chuckled, "didn't take Louis as the sleepover type." He teased.

Derek laughed, "really? I thought you slept over there the other day." He said, his body moving more towards the table, "I found your hair like everywhere on his bed."

This caused both of men to stop breathing, looking at each other.

Louis was now officially almost hyperventilating, feeling like he was going to pass out the more and more that Derek spoke.

"What?" Alexis said, "what do you mean? When?"

"Stop stop stop." Louis yelled, standing up. "Please, what the fuck is this?" He was now shaking, his entire body was like a leaf in the wind. Feeling himself slowly blow away more and more every time someone spoke.

Harry stood up, rushing to the mans side, "you don't look good, come on. Let's get you some water." He said, helping Louis walk to the kitchen to get him something to drink.

Derek and Alexis looked at each other, worry on their faces.

"I didn't mean to pressure him into this conversation." She said, feeling sorry for the boy. "I figured he was open about this stuff. Since what he does for work and everything."

The other man shrugged, "I think it's because it involves Harry." He took the fork picking at his food to place it in his mouth. "He always gets weird when he is brought up, or when them together is brought up."

This caused Alexis to perk up, confused, "what do you mean, them together?" She looked back to make sure that Harry and Louis weren't coming or close enough to over hear their conversation.

"I mean that nobody talks about the obvious when it comes to them. Not even them." He said, now looking at Alexis, "you're telling me,as his wife, you don't sense anything?"

"Please, we are in couples therapy because of it."

"Exactly. All I know is that Louis is head over heels for him and I have a feeling that it is mutual. Especially after the Halloween party." He stated, "I went over the day after and Harry's hair was all over Louis' bed, but when I asked him about it he just totally blanked out. Saying that it must've been on his clothes. But why would he wear a Halloween costume to bed?"

Alexis felt her heart skip a beat, her face turning to a stone solid picture, she felt as if she was unable to move. She didn't have any words to respond, she knew that something was happening, but she didn't know what it was. She was too far gone in denial of her husband cheating on her that she didn't want to believe it.

After Louis drank the water, he sat on the counter watching Harry watch him.

He was so mad at him for making him do this, but he was so happy to just be with him, he missed Harry when he wasn't around. As much as he hated to admit it.

"You feel okay?" Harry asked, placing his hands on either side of Louis' thighs. "You look alittle better."

"Harry, I can't do this anymore."

Louis was breathless and exhausted. His words knew they hit Harry because the man exhaled a deep breath as if Louis had punched him in the gut.

"I told you, I'm going to file for a divorce. I'm not happy anymore. And it has nothing to do with you."

Louis looked at Harry, his blue eyes trying to search for the normal green ones.

They were both stressed, they lost themselves so much into this affair that they never stopped and asked each other if they were okay.

They never spoke about feelings, or if one of them was guilty.

They just decided to move into their own pleasures blinding, playing Marco Polo with feelings.

"I don't know what to do Harry, I just want to be able to talk to you. But not here. Not now." Louis said, "do you think you could come over? Maybe some time this week? We can talk it all out?"

Harry nodded, avoiding eye contact, he didn't want to waste anymore time. He wanted Louis and he wanted him now.

"Y-yeah, I can do that."

The two smiled softly, Louis placing his legs around Harry's waist half heartedly, pulling him in for a small peck on the lips.

"Don't break my heart, Styles."

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