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The thing was this;

They haven't talked.

Louis and Zayn both agreed that Harry could stay with them until he was able to get on his feet.

This also caused for them to have a lot of guys nights, pizza, drinks, laughs, and a lot of sex.

Harry loved the nights he and Louis were intimate, reading his body like his favorite novel. Feeling himself get lost in the words, reading in between the lines. Looking for the deeper meanings. Analyzing Louis was his favorite part of the entire thing. And he just could not get enough of that book.

Sometimes he would forget that he and Louis were never not together, they almost fell too good into sync with each other. They didn't move unless the other one was moving. It was hard at first, but not hard to the point where they hated it.

Just hard in the aspect of getting all of Harry's stuff, needing to see Alexis as Louis and Harry walked in to get the boxes of his belongings. Signed divorce papers sitting on top.

The dancer almost wanted to shed a tear for Harry, but he knew that it would make no sense if he did.

He saw such a big change in the demeanor of Harry since the day they had sex in the club.

He wasn't scared anymore, he spoke and when he did everyone couldn't help but listen. When he smiled everyone looked and admired the man for finally being Happy. There was something in his posture, the new way of carrying himself that nobody wanted to miss a beat of.

The office knew something happened the day that Harry walked in, seeing the way he was giddy, visibly tingling with the sensation of no longer needing to lead a double life.

Everyone had their hunch of Louis and him together, the glances as they their demeanor changed from playful banter to serious talks, fonding eyes and touches that were too sweet of caresses to be friendly.

They didn't mind, but they also didn't want to publicly show their entire relationship either. They wanted hide their most intimate parts for themselves. The laughs, the kisses, how Harry would wake him up by playing with his hair. How they laughed in the shower together, blowing soap at each other. Maybe even how they would cook each other food, drink each other's coffee.

None of that ever really seemed like anyone else's business, just like how badly Harry wanted to talk to Louis. He needed to make sure that they would remain okay like this. Maybe he was paranoid or just so happy that he didn't want it to end. He would watch Louis get ready for bed every night and couldn't help but just want to say something. He couldn't though. He couldn't manage anything other than a 'I love you, goodnight.'

Tonight though, Harry thought. Tonight they will talk. Zayn and Liam were leaving for the night and Louis already said that he was planning on taking the night off for them.

Louis was on the couch, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, scrolling mindlessly on his phone. Showing Harry the occasional meme.

The game was on and they were both on and off talking and laughing about some stupid things. These were Harry's favorite moments, these were the moments that Harry always forget what he wanted to say. He just wanted to live in these moments forever, not need to talk about the serious stuff. But he knew that was what went wrong before, he knew that without actually telling Louis how he felt, he would always remain in the dark.


"Yes?" He said sweetly, locking his phone and looking Harry. His eyes were slightly downcast, he could tell that his boy was tired. "You okay, babe? You look worried."

Harry smiled, reaching out to caress Louis' cheek, "I'm okay, just uh, wanted to talk to you. About somethings that have been on my mind recently."

He felt heat rise in his skin at the words waiting to vomit out. He didn't know that confessing feelings or just wanted to come to an understanding in your relationship even felt like  this.

"Okay, I'm listening."

"I love you." He said quickly, feeling butterflies in his stomach boil all over. "I need to know that. That I love you, and this isn't just like a sex thing. Or something that happened because I was bored in my marriage, or because I have no where to go since I got caught. I actually love you. More than anything or anyone than I ever loved. It's so strong that sometimes it kind of scares me." He laughed a bit.

Louis looked at him, his facial features showing understanding. He could tell that he was actually shocked too, but he was trying to hide it. Not wanting to completely seem like an asshole that had no faith in Harry. Which he wasn't, but he was also human and had his doubts.

"I love you too, Harry." He smiled, "I can't lie and say that it hasn't crossed my mind. But I also don't take you as the person to just drag something like this on because you're scared of being alone or anything. I believe you. Don't worry about that."

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Louis."

There was a shock that lit in Louis' chest at the sound of those words. He didn't know that words like that could actually exist. He never expected anyone to say them to him and now that someone who never imagined himself loving say them he felt nauseous with affection.


"It's okay, I know. It's soon and everything, I just feel this thing with you."

"We work Harry. I know what you mean. We are the perfect combination. It's like we are meant to click. Be together." Louis explained and Harry nodded, a smile on his face.

"Yeah, exactly."

Louis bit his lip, moving closer to Harry, wrapping his leg around the man's waist.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you too."

Harry's breath hitched at that, pupils dilating, his moved his hands down to Louis' bum.

"Are you seducing me, Tomlinson?"

"Never that."

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