8. White Rose

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After that incident Tae didn't see the King anywhere around the mansion... nor he wanted to see him. He felt disgusted, those touches, those words still lingers around his body and mind. It made his body go all hot like he was having a fever and also his bottom part felt weird. That day he hurriedly went to the shower room, to 'clean' himself. To remove all those touches from the King...to remove the 'weird feeling'.

Never in his life he faced these kinds of feelings and reactions inside him. He was afraid that something was wrong with him.

Tae was done washing their bed sheets and clothes. He went off to hang them outside.
Suddenly he heard someone humming a tune. He looked around and saw a man watering the flower plants, few blocks away from him. The man also noticed him staring and ran towards him with a bright smile.

 The man also noticed him staring and ran towards him with a bright smile

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"Hey boyy! You new here? Haven't seen you here before.."
His voice was filled with excitement, eyes sparkling.

"Yes... I came from the South." Tae replied with a small smile.

"Ohh I see... makes sense though cause you're pretty. Haha! Don't mind me just people are very beautiful and eye catching there." He gave a genuine smile.

Tae blushed and laughed with him as well.

"Well you are beautiful too!" Tae replied brightly.

"Really?! Wahhh...no one has ever told me that before..."

"Whaaat..??! They must have forgotten or blind!"

"Haha...Thank you kid! You just made my day..Oh wait here!"

He came back with a white rose on his hand.

"Here take it."

"Oh- my.. but for what?" Taehyung was surprised.

"Nothing just felt like giving it."

"Wahh....Thank you! I love flowers!" Tae smelled it.

"The rose suits you well

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"The rose suits you well." He said honestly.

"What are you two gossiping about?!"

"Oh! Forgive me Sir! I just thought to greet him, he seemed to be new here. We'll go back to our work now..."

"You better. You are not being paid here for chatting and wasting time. Hey you! (pointing at Taehyung) Go back to your work!"

"Y-Yes Sir."

Taehyung bowed and quickly went away. Yoongi looked at Hoseok one last time and turned back to Castle.

'What's wrong with him?'

Hoseok thought.

'He never behaved this rudely with me before...'

"OH NOO! I forgot to ask his nameee!"

"Hey you! What are you wandering about? Get back to work!"

"Shit... I can't take this flower with me there. It might get dirty. Where should I put it?"


Taehyung found a big mirror in the hallway. He secretly kept the flower behind it so nobody will notice. But someone did notice it...

"Hey little rose, stay there alright? I'll come get you soon!"

Tae said as the rose could hear.

Two and a half hours passed. It was now break time. Tae went back to the place where he kept the flower.

'Where did it go...?'

'I'm sure I kept it here!'

Jungkook was looking at the flower on his hand, so deeply that it could shred apart.

'You looked so happy right there, Smiling with him all heartily....

But with me... your lips always quiver, like you're gonna burst into tears...

With him your eyes shine like the brightest stars...

With me.. I see nothing but horror and fears...

But you know,

He may have given you the white rose...
But the garden where it grows, belongs to me.

And You are Mine Kim Taehyung, My Flower...'

And just like that he burns the flower, watching it turning black and getting withered.

White rose - Symbol of Purity and Innocence.

Thinking what's gonna happen now...👀

Goal : 85 votes

Well I also deserve something for this Christmas right? So kinda help this lil acc to grow up eh?
Feels like a desert here...(;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')
C'mon do follow me and vote and comment! Show some love and support baby! Last but not the least....MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Enjoy your holidayyyy!!! Love you all...mwuuuahh!!! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎


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