14. Brothel

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Taehyung and Jimin were locked up in dungeon cells for three days, given no food, no water. Hands, legs and neck bound in chains, body dangling in the mid air. Tae felt like his arms and legs gonna tear off from his body. The dungeon was dark and cold. The sunlight could barely come through from that little gap in the wall. Their bodies were shivering. To sum up... it was agonizing.

"Do you know who those attackers were?"


"Do you know who sent them?"


Weak is an improper word. 'Living corpse' would be a better word to describe Taehyung's current condition. As if a dirty wet torn out cloth hanging on a rope. His voice was barely hearable, too weak to move his lips.

The Royal Guard gave them the nod. One of the soldiers came in and pushed Tae's head into the drum of ice cold water and kept holding down till he is dying for air.

"*Gasp* Hah *Coughs* Ha..hah..."



The guard growled at Tae who flinched hard at his roaring voice. It was echoing around the dungeon.


The soldier again pushed Tae's head deep in the drum. This time it was over one minute. Tae started struggling trying to get his head up. He was very close to losing it. He felt the fear of death. He gave his all, fighting against that soldier twice of size than Taehyung.

"*Gasp again* I d-don't know...*taking heavy breaths* I don't know anything about the a-attack Sir..." Taehyung couldn't even open his eyes properly beacuse of the water going inside his eyes.

"Then why did you try to run away like a little rat?"

The guard was scary and inhuman. His eyes hold no pity. Only fire and blood could be seen.

"I-I am s-sorry..."

Taehyung didn't know how to answer that question. What would he say? That he slept with the King the night before and freaked out?

The soldier again tried to push his head at the guards directions.

"N-NO PLEASE! I'll tell you!"

"I was missing h-home..."

It was the only thing Taehyung could made up at that moment. It wasn't even a lie. Like hell he missed his homeland!

"What a rubbish!"

The soldier again tried to repeat his actions on Taehyung but they were interrupted by the General.


"The King have different plans for him. No need to torture him anymore."

Taehyung was too tired and fucked up to look up but still he managed to spare a glance at Min Yoongi who just saved his life. He was wearing a patch in his right eye and had a bandage in his arm.

'Is Jimin also going through this?'

'Oh God! Protect him.. protect us...'

Tae's POV

Me and Jimin were thrown into the horse carriage. They were taking us somewhere. Are we going to be executed? Are they gonna hang us, cut our head off? As the carriage kept going, multiple types of deaths and punishments were swarming in my head.

The carriage stopped moving. The door opened and we were yanked off from our seats. As we were sitting in the darkness for a while, the sudden brightness caught me off guard.

I blinked a couple of times to adjust my vision. First I saw was couple of women. They were wearing too revealing clothes. Some of them even showing their breasts, licking their lips and calling out the soilders with their seductive gaze.

Out of many possibilities, how could Taehyung miss that they could also be sold at the brothel as prostitutes. Even death is better than this.

"M-Min Yoongi S-sir.....sir please....anything but this...."

Taehyung heard Jimin begging to General Yoongi.

"Sir please, I will serve you till I die but please... FOR HOSEOK'S SAKE! Don't leave us here.''

We both knew that Yoongi got a soft spot for Hoseok. His eyes, behavior, body language said it all. For a moment, Yoongi halted his steps. And I thought we had some hope.

"It's the King's order." He said without looking back.

"Okay...I see....even though they look like dead meat right now...I can identify a pretty face when I see one....just a little bit of wash up, dressup...and they are ready to be feast upon!"

The head lady of the brothel said as she examined our face. Jimin was still crying and I remained quite as before.

'So this is how you gonna play, bastard?'

'I'll run away from here too! Even if I need to kill everyone here'

'I'm sorry jimin. Because of me, we have to go through this."

Yoongi and the head lady excused us, leaving the room to have a private talk.

"They will only stay here for three days. Teach them everything you need...and within this period and the future after...they should not be touched by any other man. As King's properties...they belong to him only. Did I make myself clear?"

"I see my lord...The King finally has laid his eyes on someone...

Bear no worries my lord, we will deliver you the kittens unharmed, but don't accuse me if they come back as tigers few days later!"

The lady laughed mischievously at Yoongi just shrugged and gave her a judgemental look....


Wait! Don't leave just yet! Go to my account and see the text I have written in my message board or whatever it is called. I won't be able to update my stories till December 8th. I have stated my reasons there and didn't want to write a paragraph here with my troubles and hardships.

I just updated this chapter because I felt bad leaving you guys hanging without telling you beforehand. Also it's my Birthday too....haha...this girl is getting old. In Shaa Allah, I'll come back after I'm done with it, and yeah I'm not discontinuing any of my stories. If you see I'm not updating, then I'm having some problems.

- With love

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