27. The Black Wedding

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Carriage after carriage was arriving in King Jeon's palace carrying lords, counts, dukes, prince, princesses. Each and every person dressed to their best, looked all rich and mighty.

Today was after all the grand wedding.

Soon everyone became engrossed in conversations, chatting amongst themselves. The women were cringing at each other's makeup and clothes while cracking jokes and biting each other's backs. It took quite a time for the main figure to appear and shut them off.


Everyone became pin drop silent and looked towards the grand door. Soon enough the King entered the hall with General Min and Advisor Kim by his side. Behind him was the infamous slave boy, rumored to be the King's secret lover holding the clokes end.

Kim Taehyung.

Though no one cared about his presence here. Except some few countable people, his existence was unimportant . After all, the new talk of the Kingdom was now Queen Fiona, soon to be the wife of King Jungkook.

The marriage hardly mattered to Taehyung anymore. He had something else on his mind. A plan to follow...which unfortunately went side ways.

Now everyone involved in this mission were doomed.

"The servants would be busy preparing the great feast and that's the time you and Jimin would enter the servants quarter to burn it down. The fire will take time to spread and when the feast is served you both will cross a hidden path and leave the palace. A carriage will be waiting for you with Hoseok inside outside the boundary of the wall."

"A hidden path? This palace has a hidden path?"

"Yes. Every palace has a hidden path in the underground for the need to escape, to use it as a safe passage."


Despite Taehyung giving a positive response Baekhyun still wasn't having it.

"You can't fail this task Taehyung! You know what's at risk! Our lives! Your life!"

Truth was the problem wasn't with him, it was Jimin. He has changed.

"Why Tae? Why are you so persistent on running away? We are doing far better here since we came! We are given new clothes , delicious foods we never ate before , books to read, we have access to various corners of the palace , ride horses , people are kind to us now- we are happy-"

"AT WHAT COST?! We Lost the most valuable thing...OUR FREEDOM!"

"How much freedom do you need Taehyung? I get it you want to go to South. But tell me...who is waiting for us there? Everyone we loved, our family they are all dead! There's nothing to return for! Just accept your fate!"

Taehyung was speechless.

"After what the Jeon's did to us? My mother died in vain you dog! She was taken as a slave and now we! You think your general will protect your ass after having a taste-"

"You're crossing the line!"

Taehyung chuckled.

"Oh! Am I?"

Jimin couldn't hold it any longer and let the tears fall.

"You're going to get yourself killed Taehyung please....."

Taehyung knew he was being selfish. It was getting harder for him to breath in this palace after knowing everything. But he also knew how much Jimin was right that's why he wouldn't force him to their dangerous plan. He wouldn't put his life at risk.

"I'm doing this with or withot you"

Jimin must have done something. He feels like killing himself for telling him. It would've been better if he did it all by himself and later handled Jimin either forcefully or knocking him down.

'Did he tell someone ? That General?'

'No he isn't that foolish. I wouldn't have been standing here now if he revealed our escape plan'




Tae came back to earth hearing Seokjin's call.

"What are you day dreaming about on such occasion? The King's been calling you for a while now"

"I'm sorry... your majesty"

"What's the problem? You look unwell."

"I am feeling sick a little..."

"What do you mean? In what way?"

"My stomach...perhaps I ate something unhealthy-"

"Lie better will you? Your foods are chosen in my supervision and surely you eat better than most of the servants"

Before, Tae would get a rush from knowing that Jungkook keeps mind of his well-being and whereabouts but now the guilt eats him up.

"I am not lying sire...I don't feel well"

At that time, Jungkook felt something, a warrines. It was already a hell for him standing and participating in this ridiculous royal arrangement and now this boy increased the pain in his head.

"I will not allow you to depart. Until this ceremony is over, you are expected to remain with me. I won't be forgiving if I discover that you are involved in illicit activities, Taehyung...."

"Understood sire"

The clock was ticking. Taehyung's head was spinning, Seokjin was sweating. They secretly exchanged eye contacts every now and then. The plan remained intact as there was no signal from Hoseok. One of them had to do something and so it happened though it wasn't planned.

Everybody's mouth dropped as Taehyung lost control and spat all over Jungkook's cloak, constricting air.


The feeling of joy and relief after publishing a chapter...

Pinterest app is just like my updating schedule ! You won't find it when you need it the most! Haha!

And about the sex scene in the last chap. I had mix responses but I'm gonna side with those who said it sucked cause it did for me. But I'll edit it later after finishing this book for good. I want to step ahead without taking two steps back.

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